Early access survivalbox Valheim teases its Deep North biome with a new video


When one thinks of Vikings in their natural habitat, it’s probably one reminiscent of the Nordic landscape. But head toward the Arctic a bit more, and there you might find the inspiration for Valheim’s next biome, the Deep North.

As teased in the latest development newsletter, Deep North is a snowy barren icescape with mountains, icebergs, and real danger of being frozen to death. This will be the game’s final biome, although smaller patches may come after that.

“The northern lights and heavy, snow-covered trees are there to welcome any questing traveler. But is it as peaceful as it appears at first glance?” the devs posted.

Since you’re probably wondering, no, we don’t have a hard date for the launch of Deep North; players are guessing that it’ll probably land at the end of 2025 or more likely even early next year, essentially in conjunction with the game’s proper 1.0 launch, but don’t get your heart set on any firm date.

Source: Valheim
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