Shroud of the Avatar’s Release 58 goes live today with fishing improvements and tameable wyverns


Heads up, Avatars: Shroud of the Avatar’s Release 58 is live today, and it brings improvements to fishing, tameable Wyverns, performance enhancements, bug fixes, and more dyeable decorations. Portalarium posted, “Release 58 is the final release in which we focused on the current iteration of our Top 10 Priorities,” but “unfortunately we were not able to make as much progress as we hoped.” The reason for this shortfall is a fairly reasonable one, though: The folks at Portalarium have been in the process of migrating to a new office, which was originally supposed to happen “slowly over a two week period” but which ended up being unexpectedly accelerated when the studio’s ISP disabled the old office’s internet access a couple of weeks early. Whoops.

But that doesn’t mean that Release 58 isn’t full of goodies for SOTA players. Wyverns, the smaller, “more communal and pack-like” cousins of the great dragons, have been added to the game in red, purple, orange, and white varieties, and particularly brave and/or foolhardy players can attempt to tame them. But be warned, there are rumors that members of the Norgard Barbarians’ Dragon tribe have been taming some wyverns of their own, making them particularly dangerous foes to encounter.

The game’s fishing system has also been expanded with new water types (including lava, for those who like their relaxing fishing excursions to come with a risk of immolation), and players can now find blueprints for and subsequently begin building their own dungeons, though the ability to add actual encounters to player-made dungeons is still in the works. The full list of changes and additions is extensive, to say the least, so if you want all the fine details, you can check them out on the game’s official site.

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