If your enjoyment of World of Warcraft partly relies upon hunting down the puzzles full of obscure notes for individual mounts, you would probably do pretty well as Batman against the Riddler. You also were probably one of the people eager to figure out the secrets of the Hivemind, but now that the puzzles have been solved, the developers have outlined the path taken to hide the Hivemind behind a series of ornate puzzles and challenges. It also serves as a walkthrough for those who haven’t solved it yet, so don’t read it if you want to figure things out on your own.
The full post-mortem draws upon all of the tenuous connections and vague allusions necessary to make the puzzle work, both the leaps of logic necessary and the pieces of the puzzle that were outlined ahead of time. It’s a lengthy set of puzzles involving grifting trolls, magical cats, and of course, floating brains. If you don’t mind being spoiled on all of that? Look through the full sequence.