The multiplayer survival RPG Frozen Flame is a place of magic. When it’s not also a place of danger or a place that is dying, anyway. It would make sense, then, that players should be allowed to wield some of that magic, and that’s just what the most recent update is letting players do. Provided they do a little legwork first.
The update has hidden two spell books in the Cradle of Keepers area that can grant spells to let players jump high, walk on water, or create spheres of light. The pages of these spell books can be worn out with use but can be repaired at a workbench (that’s not how books work), and if these books are somehow lost they can be replaced by heading to Bonehead’s shop. These mechanics are the first pass of the game’s overall magic system rework; later updates will improve things further.
In addition to spell books, this new update has added a recipe book that collects cooked food items, made a number of changes to the Ancient Valley region like more resources and skeletal foes that wander the roads at night, and applied a variety of fixes to several aspects of the game. The game’s Steam page provides all of the specifics.