Global Chat: Having a blast in Burning Crusade


How’s Burning Crusade Classic going for those of you venturing back into Blizzard’s past? MMO blog Priest with a Cause is having a great time, thank you for asking.

“What has surprised me though has been how compelling it still is. I mean, if you boil it down to the basics it’s all just grinding: mobs, reputations, and dungeons. But add a colourful setting, good company, and an effort-reward ratio that hits the spot just right and you simply want to keep going, and going, and going…”

Read on for more MMO essays, including a look at criminal life in ESO, first impressions of Elyon, EverQuest’s marketing shift, and more!

MMO Juggler: Criminal life in Elder Scrolls Online

“I recommend… running away. It isn’t too hard to escape. Just be ready to roll-dodge or break free from crowd control, and keep sprinting away. The guards give up after a bit. Another escape tip is to jump in water and swim away – guards don’t swim.”

Mystic Worlds: Elyon CBT1 impressions

“As much as I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the Elyon CBT1, I expect the same outcome in the long run. From three days of playing, it’s definitely the best I’ve played of the imports minus ArcheAge prior to the NA cash shop fiasco at release. It outdoes AA in several ways but I really enjoyed farming, husbandry, and housing in AA. For that reason alone, it remains in the top spot of the Asian imports for me.”

The Ancient Gaming Noob: A shift in the breeze for EverQuest

“I mean, my experience over the years has been that you have to be pretty proactive to figure out if anything new is going on with any of the Daybreak games. But then I remembered that we are no longer in the Daybreak era. Enad Global 7 has taken over the reigns and I guess their team is a little more open towards advertising.”

Keep going.

Altar of Gaming: Black Desert family fame guide

“In this guide, I would first like to clarify how this feature works and later take over how to get higher points and thus more revenue. It’s better for everyone to decide for themselves how much time they want to spend on dealing with Fame Points, but it will be a time-consuming process that will slowly pay off.”

Gaming and Geek Life: Valheim’s wolf pack

“We found exactly two of them, and between Syn and I, we led the angry critters all the way back to our base. Looking back on it, if I’d known that tame wolves followed, I’d have done it differently. But what we did worked more or less. We just had to keep the stone walls of the pen we’d built repiared because wolves pack a punch!”

Contains Moderate Peril: When the game stops you from playing

“People come and go, flitting between games depending upon their likes and dislikes. Hence many players will return to a game such as ESO after a period of time away only to find that they’ve forgotten how to play their class or that they’ve fallen foul of a system reset like the one I encountered. In such cases the game often does nothing to help these players, which upon reflection seems counterproductive.”

Every day there are tons of terrific, insightful, and unusual articles posted across the MMO gaming blogosphere — and every day, Justin reads as many as he can. Global Chat is a sampling of noteworthy essays, rants, and guides from the past few weeks of MMO discourse.
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