While a lot of our previous reporting has naturally been focused on the antitrust case unfolding between Epic Games, Apple, and Google here in the US, that’s not the only legal battlefield for the matter, as Epic Games leveraged a similar complaint in Australian courts to the one brought forth in California this past November. At the time, the judge hearing the case granted Apple a three-month stay that would become permanent if Epic failed to move the case forward in the US, but as of this past Friday, that decision was overturned.
Epic brought an appeal to the country’s Full Federal Court, arguing that the public policy issues related to the case were more important than jurisdictional formalities. The court agreed and overturned Justice Nye Perram’s decision, paving the way for the case to move forward. “This is a positive step forward for Australian consumers and developers, who are entitled to fair access and competitive pricing across mobile app stores,” said Epic in a statement. “We look forward to continuing our fight for increased competition in app distribution and payment processing in Australia and around the world.”
Naturally, Apple plans to appeal the decision, saying in a statement, “The initial decision in April from Australia’s Federal Court correctly ruled that Epic should be held to the agreement it made to resolve disputes in California.”
As for the case here in our side of the globe, readers will recall that final testimony and closing arguments were made this past May, with Judge Yvonne Gonzales-Rogers stating she wouldn’t have a ruling in the case for a while due to the large amount of testimony and materials provided during the case.