There are friends I know who didn’t enjoy City of Heroes. Not that they think the game was bad; it’s pretty easy to agree that while the game had its weaknesses (mitten hands!), it was always a good game. But for various reasons the game just didn’t click for them. Little things about it were not wrong decisions, but they just added up to a game that wasn’t fun for these particular players. So they left it behind.
Honestly? I can’t blame them. I think we all have art that we recognize is good but just not to our tastes. It’s possible to watch a classic movie and respect its quality without enjoying it, or read a book that you know is good without liking it very much, or recognize that an MMO is good at what it does only for “what it does” to not appeal to you for whatever reason. So are there any MMOs you know to be good games that just don’t line up with your personal expectations?