File this one under no good deed goes unpunished: Fractured’s decision to open its fall alpha up to all comers has been rewarded with toxicity.
According to players on the game’s official forums and Discord, toxic players were taking advantage of lax chat rules and free access to the alpha to spam players with profanity and racism-laced language over multiple nights of play. One apparently spoofed the lead developer’s in-game name, while another was spoofing names of prominent players. And all of the spamming led to lag spikes in-world, forcing some players off the server entirely and nearly bringing the server to its knees.
Dynamight did manage to get out a patch in time, however; the studio has restricted the length of chat and set old messages to expire when the chat tab is not in focus. Essentially, it’s flood prevention.
“The Fall Alpha is closing in 1.5 days – and we really want you to enjoy them in peace,” Dynamight’s Jacopo Gallelli told Discord fans. “That’s why we’ve just released a patch fixing various issues with the in-game chat to stop some spammers who were trying to ruin everyone’s fun.” The fall alpha is expected to end tomorrow.