Real-world trading of gold and duel arena scamming have been constant thorns in the side of Old School RuneScape, so much so that the game’s wiki even has a section all about these problems among others. The devs at Jagex are not ignorant to these matters, of course, and have offered up a recent outline detailing plans to combat these particular problems.
On the subject of goldselling, the devs now have tools that allow them to focus on buyers of gold and not just sellers, with buyers receiving in-game messages from the devs starting today. “For anyone who has been involved, we want to be clear – this is your one and only warning,” states the post.
As for duel arena problems, the devs plan to phase out the Duel Arena entirely, replacing it with a system that generates 1v1 tournaments for player groups sometime next year. In the meanwhile, short-term measures are being taken to make the activity more fair like a staking cap that will limit stake values to no more than 10m GP per duel and two new presets based on settings duelers commonly use. These changes are set to arrive sometime in November.
“To the vast majority of you who are playing the game as intended, put simply – thank you for being you,” closes the post. “We won’t stop looking for more ways to maintain the integrity of the game you love.”