The recent updates made to Elite: Dangerous – both Odyssey and Horizons – have regrettably introduced an increase of crashes to desktop, and the devs are asking players to help them pin down why.
The post concedes that crashing is not a new issue to Elite players and assures that the devs are working to address those as well, but this most recent spat of crashing is a greater focus for the devs right now, and they’re asking for players to reply to the thread with details about their own crash experience in order to pin down what might be a possible solution. “The team think they have leads on some specific stability issues pre-8/Horizons update, that’s great, we’re working on those, but something else might be causing an impact and [we’re] up for trying this ‘info farming’ approach this morning if you are?” asks the post.
If you’re among those who have been experiencing this problem, it will probably do yourself and everyone else some good if you provide the details being asked for.