The last bell has been rung, the floor swept clean, and tipsy hobbits ushered to the door for Lord of the Rings Online’s fastest legendary server. This week, the Shadowfax shard unlocked its final batch of content (that would be level 140 and the Gundabad expansion), an event which also kicked off a countdown timer to the server’s final days.
Standing Stone Games said that Shadowfax will close its doors on May 31st, with the public unable to log in after that date. Kinships are being advised to sell guild housing prior to that, and all characters are eligible for free transfers to the regular server worlds. There’s a time limit for this, however; Shadowfax data will be forever deleted after August 31st, so players have until then to transfer.
Shadowfax was an experimental realm that SSG launched in June 2021. It featured greatly increased leveling and relatively quick expansion unlocks, not to mention reportedly one of the smallest player populations on any LOTRO server. Once it closes, there will only be a single legendary world (Treebeard) left operating.
Source: LOTRO