Have you ever wanted to destroy an entire city to dust in Conan Exiles but didn’t really follow through because you’re not a PvP player? Then you’re in luck because Funcom’s third chapter in its Age of War will soon offer PvE players the ability to lay siege to a new destructible overworld dungeon, granting those fans “the opportunity to experience the joy of reducing structures to rubble.”
The upcoming Siege of al-Merayah feature (which is indeed a multiversal reference to the MMO that Funcom ignores) sees players attacking the titular Stygian city as they lay waste to its buildings and ultimately take down Bakt-Nimlot, the Commander of the invading Stygian force. The city is 100% destructible in ways similar to player structures, albeit with adjusted structure health, and the game will let players assault the city in any way they wish, whether through foul sorcery or more conventional siege engines, while they’ll have to climb the central keep, weathering enemies along the way.
This new Siege of al-Merayah encounter will be part of Conan Exiles’ Age of War Chapter III, which is scheduled to arrive on Thursday, December 14th, meaning PvE lovers of the survivalbox have just a few more days to wait before they get to experience part of what’s best in life.