EverQuest and EverQuest II fans must remain vigilant during this “Year of Darkpaw” so as to not miss all of the freebies coming their way. So consider this a heads-up that anyone with even a mild interest (or more!) in these MMOs should log in this month to grab these items.
In EverQuest, everyone gets a free Grakaw Mask as long as you log in during this month. The studio said that later in March it will be posting the answers to a community Q&A.
Then over in EverQuest II, the rush is on to secure a baby dragon plushie called Phatoomch the Fiery. There are also some new tradeskill chieves: “Starting today, you can find the Herald of Innoruuk <Avatar of Hate> in the Nektulos Forest. Then in the middle of the month, find the Herald of Tunare <Avatar of Growth> in Lesser Faydark. Defeat the Avatars and gather up some Divine loot to earn some achievements.”