PlanetSide 2 dev letter promises sound update, seeks player survey input

Shooty bang-bang.

Few things are as satisfying in FPS games as a nice, meaty sound from a favorite weapon, and it looks as if PlanetSide 2’s new dev team at Toadman is paying particularly close attention to the noise weapons make according to a post from the shooter’s audio devs, among other aural things.

The address opens by promising to continue bug squashing and answers feedback related to in-game music and new voicepacks, then talks about audio updates that include the return of the T7 chain gun’s buzzing sound, reworks for MAX weapon sounds, and a commitment to the “journey” of getting occlusion and attenuation sounds mixed properly.

The post finally ends with a request for players to fill out a survey that asks some pretty specific questions about an audio drop bug, whether popular weapons should have unique sounds, and opinions on whether other guns sound “wrong” when compared to their stats or purpose. If you’re the sort of audiophile who has feelings on those matters, the quick survey may be worth your time.

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