Soulframe talks up December pre-alpha updates, promises open testing and wolf mount next year


The very last dev livestream of 2024 for MMO Soulframe wrapped up over the weekend, and developer Digital Extremes was once again ready to share plenty of details for both this month and a tease for what’s to come in 2025.

First off, existing pre-alpha testers can look forward to several updates in December, including the first version of the game’s opening quest line, the first pass at a new social hub known as the Silent Rose Enclave, a new bastions dungeon tileset (though that may not make it for the next build), and the addition of a new Orengall pact that will eventually lead to raising a pet wolf. Unfortunately, rearing danger doggos won’t be available until next year.

Speaking of next year, there was also a teaser trailer for 2025’s build that shows the fully grown wolf pet, which doubles as a mount, while the studio promises new environments, a new omen beast, and the start of open testing of the game sometime in 2025.

sources: press release, YouTube (1, 2)
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