Eliot Lefebvre
E3 2015: Here’s the Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward launch trailer
The entire Square-Enix presentation at E3 didn't cover Final Fantasy XIV's upcoming expansion, but that's all right. Why? Well, for one thing, early access...
SMITE reworks Nox and improves the Arena
It's a rough ride when your main deity in SMITE gets hit with big changes; you have to learn how to play the character...
Path of Exile wipes beta progress with latest patch
Beta testing for Path of Exile's next major update, The Awakening, is going about as well as testing ever does. The newest patch for...
E3 2015: Destiny’s The Taken King arrives Sept. 15; here’s the trailer
So, hey, remember that rumor about Destiny launching The Taken King on September 15th of this year? There's a new trailer out from the...
E3 2015: The Crew announces ‘Wild Run’ expansion
The world of The Crew is getting a big upgrade later this year. Part of that is just a visual upgrade that's coming along...
WildStar is in the Humble E3 Bundle… for non-players
Getting WildStar for only a couple of dollars seems like a pretty solid deal, especially when that means an extra 30 days of game...
Wisdom of Nym: Preparing for Final Fantasy XIV’s early access
The long wait is almost over. Heavensward early access starts up on June 19th, and it comes with a lot of changes. Starting with,...
Blade & Soul offers an overview of the world at large
There's a great big world out there in Blade & Soul, but if you were hoping it would be a calm and welcoming place...
Pathfinder Online adds free trial system in latest ‘early enrollment’ build
The business model of Pathfinder Online's current testing phase is odd, since you have to pay a box price and a subscription fee to...
E3 2015: The Elder Scrolls’ TCG; ESO’s Orsinium, Imperial City
The downside of E3 pre-conferences coming earlier and earlier is that the event just gets longer and longer, but the upside is that you...
The Daily Grind: Do you trust MMO leaks, rumors, and teaser-based speculation?
MMO companies do their collective best to make sure that people don't find out certain pieces of information ahead of time, which makes it...
WRUP: Exhausting movies that might just be Australian documentaries edition
I'm relatively certain that I left the theater showing Mad Max: Fury Road on the same day that I went in, but I'm not...
Betawatch: June 12th, 2015
Could it be? Is Skyforge going to release soon, or go into an open beta which is indistinguishable from release? It certainly seems like...
World of Warcraft demos its first timewalking dungeon, The Arcatraz
The next patch for World of Warcraft is sending players back in time, just a little bit. With an expansion based on nostalgia, that...
Overwatch shows off the heights of Pharah’s abilities
Overwatch's Pharah is a pretty straightforward character in terms of play philosophy. She has a rocket launcher, jump jets, and a wrist rocket to...
PlanetSide 2 discontinues support for 32-bit client
The shift to widespread use of 64-bit operating hardware and systems is a good thing in many ways; for one thing, it means that...
WoW Factor: What the flight changes portend for WoW’s future
Did anyone else get flashbacks to the Xbox One launch with World of Warcraft's flying announcement? I pictured a lot of arm-folding and sulking...
Star Wars: The Old Republic tests a balance patch with more home space
Do you feel your home on Tatooine in Star Wars: The Old Republic just filled up too quickly? The developers think it did. A...
The Secret World rolls out its Ultimate Edition
Getting back up to speed in any game can be tricky. If you're out of the loop for a while, you miss out on...
Star Trek Online is rolling out new Tier 6 Veteran ships
Lifetime and veteran subscribers for Star Trek Online have long had access to a special ship that shows off their elite status. Unfortunately, the...