Justin Olivetti

Justin Olivetti

Senior Reporter

A casual gamer and long-time MMO fan, Justin is often heard yelling, "Player housing for all!" in the Massively Overpowered offices. In addition to news, he tackles LOTRO Legendarium for LOTRO, The Perfect Ten, Jukebox Heroes, the retrospective Game Archaeologist series, One Shots, and the Massively OP podcast.

Personal blog: BioBreak
Twitter: @sypster

League of Legends loses social systems lead, bans three pro teams

One of the most notable developers for League of Legends has left Riot Games for a "new challenge." Lead Designer of Social Systems Jeffrey...
To return where others have gone before, but not like this.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 64: To boldly return

Justin and Bree discuss Star Trek Online, Chronicles of Elyria, Marvel Heroes, WildStar, TERA, and LOTRO, plus a mailbag question on metacritic for MMOs.

World of Warcraft: Legion beta starts this Thursday

Say goodbye to World of Warcraft: Legion's "alpha" phase, boys and girls. Blizzard announced today on a dev stream that the expansion's beta testing...

RIFT starts selling new starter bundle for $50 (that you can buy today only)

If you've gotten into RIFT for a good amount of time, then chances are you've noticed that not everything is included under the umbrella...

Worlds Adrift’s deserts aren’t deserted

Don't fall for the mistake of thinking that all deserts are boring and vacant wastelands. In both reality and in the hands of talented...

Surprise: Overwatch gives an extra day of open beta to all

Has your Twitter feed been inundated with talk about Overwatch this past weekend? You can thank Blizzard for making the game's beta open to...

RIFT has a new reward system just for subscribers

If you haven't gotten the message lately, Trion Worlds is pushing very hard to encourage RIFT players to subscribe up with patron status. The...

Nostalrius team surveys community about a World of Warcraft legacy ruleset

As we've been reporting, the team from the shuttered Nostalrius World of Warcraft emulator has been appointed as "ambassadors" of a sort to represent...

Get a look at World of Warcraft’s new Stormwind park

Has the creation of a park in an MMORPG ever caused such excitement? When World of Warcraft: Legion arrives at the end of August, it...

The MOP Up: Setting a VR world record (May 8, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

ArcheAge empowers guilds to build cities

What's an MMO sandbox without the ability for players to construct their own cities? A small, ant-ridden sandbox with a broken plastic shovel and...

One Shots: Slipping between shadows

I'm not one of the stealthy types in MMOs, mostly because very few games give me the chance to hang upside-down from rafters and...

The Game Archaeologist: Myst Online Uru Live

The impact of Myst's launch in 1993 was akin to an atomic bomb going off in the PC gaming world. The leap forward in graphical...

WildStar announces new class/race combos

The WildStar developers have heard the community's desire for additional class/race combinations in the game, and as a result Carbine is working on getting...

The Daily Grind: Is change in MMOs a blessing or a curse?

Lately I've been dwelling on the topic of change in MMORPGs. It's one of the foundational principles of the genre, that these titles aren't...

Skirmishes arrive in H1Z1: King of the Kill

Those into the PvP scene in H1Z1 might want to check out King of the Kill this weekend. Daybreak announced that its activated a...

Das Tal patch brings love to the newbies

As Das Tal's team says, getting the first steps of a game just right is essential in keeping potential players curious in your title. Because...

Star Trek Online’s tale of two Leetas

If Star Trek has taught us anything, it's that midriffs and goatees signify that you're from an evil parallel universe -- and that more...

Giant monsters smash Champions Online, heroes smash back

Sure, you expect nasty things to come out of a place called Monster Island, but Canada? Why are you getting in on the act...

EVE Online Capsuleer Day birthday video, unexpected freebie weekend restrictions

Even as trial players are pouring into EVE Online to enjoy the free weekend on Steam, some are having difficulty taking advantage of this...