Justin Olivetti

Justin Olivetti

Senior Reporter

A casual gamer and long-time MMO fan, Justin is often heard yelling, "Player housing for all!" in the Massively Overpowered offices. In addition to news, he tackles LOTRO Legendarium for LOTRO, The Perfect Ten, Jukebox Heroes, the retrospective Game Archaeologist series, One Shots, and the Massively OP podcast.

Personal blog: BioBreak
Twitter: @sypster

Path of Exile: The Awakening launches today

The ground is rumbling underneath Path of Exile and will soon erupt in a plume of fiery content. The Awakening, a long-awaited content update,...

League of Legends’ newest champion can swallow you whole

One thing is for certain: Tahm Kench is not going to be winning any beauty contests in League of Legends. Fortunately, abilities matter more...

Path of Exile freeing up inactive character names tomorrow

Path of Exile's meaty Awakening content update hits the servers tomorrow, and while the patch will add plenty to the game, there's one thing...

SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire makes large-scale operations and flashpoint changes

This autumn's Knights of the Fallen Empire won't be shaking up just the narrative foundation of Star Wars: The Old Republic but its group...

Echo of Soul exits beta, launches first raid

Confused over Echo of Soul's nebulous launch status? Fortunately, it's going to be a lot more clear-cut going forward, as the fantasy MMO has...

Get a bird’s eye view of Guild Wars 2’s new WvW map

As testing proceeds for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, PvP players will undoubtedly be interested in getting some time in with the brand-new...

Perfect Ten: Ten lessons I learned as an MMO healer

Back in my World of Warcraft and RIFT days, I spent an awful lot of time in dungeon runs as a healer. I even...

An exclusive look at RIFT’s 2015 plans with Game Director Christopher Junior

Massively OP: We're here with RIFT Game Director Christopher Junior to talk about the state of the game and what's coming up this year. So...

Dungeon Fighter Online opens new website, adds Female Slayer

The resurrected Dungeon Fighter Online is now no longer as homeless as it once was. Neople just announced that the action MMO has opened...

Earn new EverQuest and Landmark rewards with the EQ Worlds app

It might be time to dig out that mostly-forgotten EverQuest Worlds mobile app, especially if you've been playing one of Daybreak's fantasy titles. The...

Blizzard, Snail Games are part of a Russian nesting doll-type lawsuit

Blizzard. Lawsuit. The World of Warcraft studio seems to be constantly dealing with some legal action or another. But now it may have gotten...

Be an Antman in The Hammers End

Antmen are hot properties this July, or so we heard. Alas, there are not many places that you can explore what life would be...

Hearthstone has a big announcement coming in two weeks

Something is afoot over at Hearthstone, but the developers are holding their cards close to their chests, as it were. /rimshot Several media outlets have...

Elder Scrolls Online dominates PlayStation 4 charts

While ZeniMax has yet to release any sales numbers from Elder Scrolls Online's console launch, at least one thing is crystal clear: the MMO...

How League of Legends cleaned up its act

Could all of the toxic community behavior found in League of Legends actually be beneficial? It might be in a roundabout fashion, as Riot...

Marvel Heroics: Ten Marvel Heroes resources to bring you from zero to hero

Before a few months ago, the time that I spent in Marvel Heroes was largely uninformed and aimless. I figured it was just a...

EverQuest II begins testing its new progression servers

Will EverQuest II's new progression servers prove to be the popular gathering spot that EverQuest's was earlier this summer? We will soon find out,...

The Daily Grind: What keeps you from crafting in MMOs?

To this day, I've really only been a "crafter" in a small handful of MMOs: Fallen Earth, World of Warcraft, and Lord of the...

Forsaken World Mobile comes to Android devices this week

Jonesing for a full mobile MMO experience? Android gamers now have another option, as Forsaken World Mobile is coming to Google Play this week. The...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 21

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, Final Fantasy XIV, RIFT 3.3, WoW's patch cycle, Cabal 2's launch, Skyforge's soft launch, and TERA's update, with mailbag questions on hero picks, names, and character gender options.