Justin Olivetti

Justin Olivetti

Senior Reporter

A casual gamer and long-time MMO fan, Justin is often heard yelling, "Player housing for all!" in the Massively Overpowered offices. In addition to news, he tackles LOTRO Legendarium for LOTRO, The Perfect Ten, Jukebox Heroes, the retrospective Game Archaeologist series, One Shots, and the Massively OP podcast.

Personal blog: BioBreak
Twitter: @sypster

Forsaken World Mobile comes to Android devices this week

Jonesing for a full mobile MMO experience? Android gamers now have another option, as Forsaken World Mobile is coming to Google Play this week. The...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 21

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, Final Fantasy XIV, RIFT 3.3, WoW's patch cycle, Cabal 2's launch, Skyforge's soft launch, and TERA's update, with mailbag questions on hero picks, names, and character gender options.

What is Blade & Soul’s chi about, anyway?

Chi is vitally important to Blade & Soul's lore and gameplay, but it's perfectly OK to not completely understand what it's about. That's why...

SMITE reorganizing e-sports payouts after handful of teams score 90% of prize pools

SMITE's e-sports scene had a great year in 2014, although Hi-Rez identified one significant problem with how it's been handling the game's crowdfunded prize...

Reddit CEO apologizes for mistakes and poor communication

The fallout from last week's Reddit-wide protest (which spilled over into several MMO subreddits) over a fired employee and high friction between the company...

Guild Wars 2 throws special Revenant weekend test

The official beta for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns has yet to begin, but ArenaNet isn't above throwing a special test into the...

EVE Online releases Aegis part 1, preps part 2

The first of two July patches for EVE Online is rolling out today, with Aegis part 1 unloading an array of changes and features...

A third of Crowfall backers live outside North America

In a new interview at a German Crowfall community fan site, ArtCraft's J. Todd Coleman fielded several pressing questions for European audiences, including how many...

Skyforge wants you to break its servers today

"We welcome you to break our servers." This tongue-in-cheek invitation comes from the Skyforge devs who are running one final pre-open beta test designed to...

EVE Online deploys Aegis part 1 tomorrow

EVE Online's newest content update is apparently so big that developer CCP has decided to split it up into two chunks. The first part of...

Shroud of the Avatar maps out the next three months of updates

Did you ever see that late '90s TV show Early Edition, where this guy got a copy of tomorrow's newspaper a day early? Shroud...

The Warcraft movie might become a trilogy

Movie stills aside, we're still waiting to see our first real look at 2016's Warcraft film. The good news is that this will happen...

Neverwinter’s guild keeps will require blood, sweat, and gears

Cryptic is incredibly excited about Neverwinter's upcoming guild housing if the studio's barrage of strongholds dev diaries is any indication. Strongholds won't just be given to...

WildStar’s devs spill more on F2P transition

The picture of WildStar's future is slowly starting to emerge from the haze with continuing discussion from Carbine Studios about this fall's business model...

One Shots: Impossible architecture

When you construct your buildings out of pixels and polygons, you don't necessarily have to worry about what's physically possible and what isn't, just...

The Game Archaeologist: The 4th Coming

Over the years that I've been writing The Game Archaeologist, I've received more than a few requests to cover a game that was completely...

The Daily Grind: Do you like playing as an evil character?

In most MMOs, your moral compass and career objectives are fixed for you: You're a hero-for-hire who's only out to save the world, rescue...

Skyforge scoots in one last pre-open beta stress test

If July 16th is just too dang long to wait for more Skyforge, then at least you now have a little something to tide...

Elite: Dangerous downgrades graphics, plans appearance at Lavecon

If you have been wondering if Elite: Dangerous looks a little less gorgeous as it did before, trust us, it's not just you. After players...

Check out all of Black Desert’s costumes

If you're like me, then one of the first questions you have for any new MMO isn't what classes or systems it offers but...