
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Game Archaeologist: Shenmue Online

If you ever stumble across a Dreamcast enthusiast -- and believe me, they are everywhere -- on the forefront of their diatribe about how...
Do you really want to hurt me?

WoW Factor: The World of Warcraft expansion tour – Warlords of Draenor

Oh barf. Yes, folks, it... it had to happen. We had to get to this expansion. I know, none of us really want to. World of Warcraft...

Massively Overthinking: What MMO topics have you changed your mind on over the years?

On last week's Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I took a stab at answering a fun question from MOP reader and listener Pieter about...
There are about nine million more pressing questions about why you're this way, of course.

Vague Patch Notes: Complaining about MMOs you don’t play

All right, folks, it's time to talk. And we're going to start by talking about Guild Wars 2, a game I used to play regularly...

Working As Intended: Deep-diving Star Wars Galaxies’ endgame crafting

When I leaped back into Star Wars Galaxies via the SWG Legends rogue server mid-2018, I didn't really truly think I'd stay all that...
I understand why, but also why?

The Daily Grind: How many MMOs do you have installed right now?

It will come as no surprise to anyone that Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft are both installed on my computer right now. It probably...

Desert Oasis: How Pearl Abyss can guarantee Shadow Arena succeeds

Hands down, Shadow Arena is my favorite battle royale. But just because I've written so many glowing words of accolades for the game does...

Perfect Ten: Original MMOs that never came to be

"What could have been" is a path that I travel frequently, especially when I write The Game Archaeologist column. It genuinely haunts me that...

Choose My Adventure: The end of the breadcrumb trail in Albion Online

Well, that didn’t take long. This week was all about following the rest of the breadcrumb trail in Albion Online to see where it led,...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s Visions of the Past Steel and Fire

Just three short months ago, ArenaNet teased us in its 2020 content preview for Guild Wars 2 with a new type of story content...

Wisdom of Nym: Impressions of the second set of Ishgard Restoration in Final Fantasy XIV

All right! So this is not actually the column topic that I announced last week, but in my defense, I legitimately did not know...

Not So Massively: Delving into builds and endgame in Wolcen Lords of Mayhem

A few weeks ago in the Not So Massively column, I gave my initial impressions of Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem. I found it a...

Global Chat: Don’t mess with my GeForce Now

The titanic struggle going on right now between cloud-based game streaming platform GeForce Now and studios who are pulling their titles from it is...

One Shots: Stitching a world together

MMORPGs are well-known for featuring an entire Sonic series' worth of contrasting biomes. And while that's great for lovers of variety, the art teams...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite role to play in an MMO group?

In broadest strokes, a lot of MMOs have embraced the trinity for character design with three roles of tank, DPS, and healer. That's fine....
Blessed not be.

Betawatch: Bless Unleashed is, well, unleashed

Better luck this time, Bless Unleashed! We had a giveaway for your proper launch, which was yesterday, and we're really hoping you get your stuff...
Local Panda Recalls When She Was Special.

WoW Factor: The World of Warcraft expansion tour – Mists of Pandaria

It's time, people. It's time to remember you should never say no to panda. Yes, we've reached one of World of Warcraft's most weirdly controversial...

Wisdom of Nym: Greedily anticipating Final Fantasy XI’s new scenario

All right, so it's time to insert that Tyler the Creator tweet here because this is going to be something I'm talking about a...
lol so randum

The Daily Grind: Were you present for any historic MMO events?

For all the talk of world firsts, server firsts, and so forth, the real notable MMO events are usually ones that just seem to...
Just barely avoided this fate.

Perfect Ten: Son of conversations with anthropomorphic MMO studios

It has been a while since I've had any more conversations with anthropomorphic representations of MMO studios. Why? Because it's not fun for me. Come...