
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Choose My Adventure: The weird world of Heroes Online in Roblox

I had a feeling this whole month of write-ups would go weirdly, and sure enough, it did. It was only until after I got...

Massively Uplifting: Cake, coloring, and EVE Online’s PLEX4Good COVID-19 relief

The news this past month has been infected with the novel coronavirus. It's everywhere we turn, and we can't escape it even if we...
Alas and alack.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s schedule in the wake of pandemic

We have an official statement from Square-Enix now. We have a whole lot of panicky Final Fantasy XIV players who want to believe that...

Fight or Kite: You’re stuck in the house, so PvP with the kids in Trove

It might not be the best time in history to be a human, but it is one of the best times to be a...

One Shots: A nose in a book

I love me a good library. When I was a kid, going to libraries and book stores were some of my favorite outings, so...
Weird dog.

The Daily Grind: Are you re-exploring old MMO content during isolation?

These days, a lot of people are sitting at home without necessarily much to do. We are many of us content locusts now, swarming...

The Game Archaeologist: The history of Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box

In the MMORPG genre, April Fools' Day is especially relished as a time in which developers and studios can get a bit wacky and...
What the el. Yon. Elyon.

Betawatch: Ascent Infinite Realm rebranded to Elyon during beta

Rebranding is one of those things that always feels like a bigger deal than it might be but also easy to under-sell by accident....

Desert Oasis: A guide to getting started with Black Desert’s lifeskill system

For pretty much all of my MMO-gaming career, I avoided anything involving crafting, gathering, and cooking. If the problem can't be solved with a...
Nothing else has worked.

WoW Factor: The World of Warcraft expansion tour – Battle for Azeroth

Oh no. I'd ask how this happened, but I know how it happened. It happened because I am a gigantic idiot. This expansion tour seemed...
Ah yes, teamwork.

Massively Overthinking: How are MMO players faring through the pandemic?

This week's Overthinking is going to be a bit different from normal. As we've been covering extensively for more than the past two months,...

Perfect Ten: MMOs that were ahead of their time

Timing is, as they say, everything. A good idea presented at the wrong time (and perhaps in the wrong way) might fizzle hard when...
This mailbox is mine.

Vague Patch Notes: Chronicles of Elyria’s road to nowhere

I honestly cannot stop thinking about Chronicles of Elyria. Not in the sense of surprise, mind you; this was pretty much one of the...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s Loyalty to Lowsec update shakes up Faction Warfare

Between the relative safe haven of EVE Online's high-security star systems and the lawless depths of nullsec where alliances play ping-pong with titans, there...
This. Is. Exhausting.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite place to just hang out in an MMO?

Either we all wind up with time spent in MMOs wherein you're just hanging out or I am singularly bad at managing my time,...

Choose My Adventure: Albion Online, chestnut logs, and terrible mistakes

I regret to inform you all that my final moments in Albion Online were something of a bellyflop. A number of smaller frustrations just...
Never seen a bluer sky.

Wisdom of Nym: Does Final Fantasy XIV need new jobs?

We're all still basically expecting an expansion announcement for Final Fantasy XIV in November. I'll talk about the weirdness of the world right now...

Global Chat: Is Animal Crossing New Horizons an MMO?

One trend that we have noticed over the past decade or so is the blurring of lines between "regular" video games and MMORPGs. It...

EverQuesting: Looking back at EverQuest’s 21st year

There are landmark years, and then there are landmark years. (Not to be confused with Landmark, which has been gone for years.) You can...

Massively on the Go: How Pokemon Go is improving without all the ‘go’

We've briefly covered some of Pokemon Go's new changes in light of recent non-fun viral events, and in today's Massively on the Go, I want...