
Enjoy a run-down of our recent long-form pieces, both game-specific and more general. You might also be interested in our list of all of our columns and recurring articles. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

And this time, we mean it.

Betawatch: Albion Online announces its launch date (February 24, 2017)

After extending its beta well into 2017, Albion Online has announced its date for officially leaving that hallowed state: July 17th, 2017. Just a...

WoW Factor: Where do we go after WoW Legion?

So at the risk of being dinged for spoiling the current World of Warcraft expansion, let me say this: Azeroth is not going to...

EverQuesting: What I’ll do in EverQuest II, 2017 edition

A long time ago, in a spring far, far away (2016 feels that way already), I noted that there is simply too much to...

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs that help you get your spaceship on

Sometimes even the most die-hard MMORPG player finds him or herself a little tired of constantly looking at the back of a head and...
Bear bomb!

The Daily Grind: What MMO musical tune annoys you the most?

The worst part of going through World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria is the inn music. I don't know why, but that has literally...
In a world of self-inflicted wreckage.

Choose My Adventure: Starting fresh in WildStar

There are times when I've been away from a game for a while that I'm honestly not sure if I remember something correctly. I...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s The Head of the Snake

Now that I've had a little time to sink my hours into completing the episode after my initial impressions piece two weeks ago, I'm...
Red means dead.

Wisdom of Nym: Gauging predictions after the Final Fantasy XIV fanfests

It finally happened, folks; we're done with the fan festivals until next year. (Yes, I fully expect to hear about the next set when...
Well, here we go.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite part of MMO gaming conventions?

The last of the pre-Stormblood fan festivals for Final Fantasy XIV has come to a close, and as with the prior two fan festivals,...

EVE Evolved: What do we want from Drilling Platforms?

If you followed our EVE Fanfest coverage last year, you might remember CCP announcing plans to add a whole series of new deployable structures...

One Shots: I am no man!

The big screenshot challenge last week was to capture action, not just still shots, in MMORPGs. This is tricker than it sounds, because you...

LOTRO Legendarium: Checking out LOTRO’s housing improvements

Like probably most of the population of Lord of the Rings Online, I was initially interested in player housing when it first came out,...

Betawatch: Open season in sight for Revelation Online (February 17, 2016)

Those of you who have waited eagerly for the day when everyone can jump into Revelation Online won't have to wait much longer, as...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World predictions 2016 vs 2017

It's no secret that The Secret World had a rough year in 2016. I just really wish I could say differently. And it's especially...

Perfect Ten: Terminology the MMORPG genre needs

MMOs, like any other hobby, have their own terminology. We have the term "newb" for new players, "noob" for players who aren't actually new...
You can go level alts, if you're a fool and have alts.

The Daily Grind: Which games will be the big winners (and losers) from more MMOs on consoles?

I don't think that being one of the only fully featured MMOs on a console is what has made Final Fantasy XIV successful. I...

Guild Chat: Pro tips for incentivising active MMO guild membership

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the column through which Massively Overpowered readers can have their guild-related questions or concerns addressed through...
Starting off on the autocratic foot.

Choose My Adventure: Reconsidering WildStar, from pre-launch to now

In order to talk about WildStar, we kind of have to talk about Firefly. And no, not in the obvious way where we talk...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s latest raid might be a too little too late

When Star Wars: The Old Republic launched, I was champing at the bit for raids. Then when I heard about the launch bugs from...

Jukebox Heroes: Vote for your favorite MMORPG theme songs of all time!

On a couple of past occasions, I've amused myself by posting countdown lists of my favorite MMORPG theme songs in this column. I was...