The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offers the most generous login rewards?


Like probably everyone else paying even a tiny bit of attention to the MMO genre right now, I spent this past weekend logging into Elder Scrolls Online very specifically to get a house.

Now, I don’t play a ton of ESO; it stays installed on my rig because I love The Elder Scrolls in general and always tell myself I’ll get back to it. But then I usually don’t because a million other MMOs and games get in the way. And yet I know that if I do come back someday, I’m gonna want that house and all the other freebies. And so now, I’ve been logging in daily to stockpile for future me. Heck, even my husband logged in to get his house. Will he even use a house in ESO? Unlikely, but come on, free house!

Working as intended, I’m sure, because it got a bajillion people like us logging in. But that house… I can’t remember seeing such a nice login reward in an MMO before, and it really did take only a few minutes of my time for three days.

Can any other MMO top the house? Which MMORPG offers the most generous login rewards?

Every morning, the Massively Overpowered writers team up with mascot Mo to ask MMORPG players pointed questions about the massively multiplayer online roleplaying genre. Grab a mug of your preferred beverage and take a stab at answering the question posed in today’s Daily Grind!
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