
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Naoki Yoshida sees at least another five years of vitality in Final Fantasy XIV

The fourth major expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, Endwalker, is just around the corner (to the extent you can consider "planned for fall" to be just...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most egregious grifting you’ve seen in the MMO sphere?

There was a time when World of Warcraft charging $25 for a sparkly pony was considered absurd fleecing of its playerbase. Times have certainly...
A cast

Phantasy Star Online 2 has launched on the Epic Games Store today with a new limited-time quest

The state of Phantasy Star Online 2 is very different now from when it launched in North America last year, because you can now launch...

TERA’s first console battle pass arrives with its latest patch

The latest patch for TERA on consoles is not just about the game's new battle pass, but that is definitely the central feature on display....

World of Warcraft updates the requirements for mentor status on the 9.0.5 test server

If you want to be a guide to new players in World of Warcraft, it behooves you to first know what you're doing. The game's...
Time for a few small repairs.

Final Fantasy XIV opens up another free login campaign through March 31

Resistance weaponry, Valentione's day, Skysteel tools, Blue Mage updates... there's a lot going on in Final Fantasy XIV at the moment, and even if you're...

The Daily Grind: What non-combat, non-crafting system do you enjoy in MMOs?

There's always a lot of stuff to do in MMOs, but most all of it involves punching, slicing, or blasting into oblivion. That's not...
And then, smashy.

Check out the latest combat footage trailer from Blade & Soul 2

We don't mean to shock anyone with this revelation, but Blade & Soul 2 is going to involve fighting stuff at various points. Possibly...

Lord of the Rings Online informal player survey highlights the least and most popular classes

If you've ever wondered which class is the most popular in Lord of the Rings Online, Squirle over at LOTRO Players has your back....
The 'ablo'

David Brevik confirms there was a plan for a second Diablo II expansion

David Brevik has been something of a font of information about the road not taken with Blizzard's Diablo franchise. As we covered back in...
Over and over.

Blizzard is collecting BlizzConline Q&A questions for WoW, Diablo, and Hearthstone

BlizzCon is gonna be a little bit different this year. Yes, it's called BlizzConline, which is silly. Yes, it's in February, and that's weird....
Lies and the lying liars who tell them.

TitanReach promises to start its limited early access on February 28

It's almost time for indie MMO Titan Reach to open the doors to early access, apparently. A new entry on the official site reveals...
This be he

TERA previews its fight against Gardan of the Ice

Who is Gardan of the Ice? Well, he might just be your new best friend in TERA, if you consider fighting against a very...
Oh, right.

Wisdom of Nym: What Final Fantasy XIV has lined up for patch 5.5

Amidst all the news last week, the live letter for Final Fantasy XIV kind of got shoved off into the corner, didn't it? Partly...

Gameforge is sunsetting the western version of SoulWorker as the original dev promises a new global version

Bad news for western SoulWorker players today: Gameforge has announced that it will no longer be running the game in Europe and North America,...

The Daily Grind: What MMORPG would’ve performed better had it launched in a different year?

I was chit-chatting with longtime MOP reader Bruno the other day when we starting yawing about RIFT and EverQuest II and which one was...

One Shots: Outer space needs an attitude readjustment

In retrospect, outer space was asking for it. It was giving all of us a cold shoulder, being very distant, and lording its size...
We still care.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs give you the most space for letting your mind wander?

One of the things I regularly like to do with playing MMOs is to put something else on my second monitor to watch while...

Global Chat: Does permadeath mode in MMOs have merit?

Whenever you're stuck for an MMO topic to talk about on a blog, you can never go wrong with chewing on the concept of...
Here is a perfectly fine picture of a bunny.

WRUP: cmon five more minutes edition

cmon five more minutes. gimme five more minutes. just gimme five minutes. just need five minutes. give me five minutes. only five minutes. demanding...