
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Welcome to Sucksville, population 25,000.

Em-8ER funds on Indiegogo and adds new stretch goals

If you were worried that Mark Kern's Em-8ER (properly pronounced "eem-eight-er" for those willing to die upon snarky hills) wouldn't fund on its latest...
what wait what

Seattle police officer uses a Destiny livestream to discuss a controversial shooting death

Let's see if you can follow the chain of logic here. Police officers in Seattle shoot and kill a alleged burglary victim, resulting in...

E3 2017: Why MMO players should be paying attention to Elite Dangerous

I sat down with Elite Dangerous Senior Designer Sandy Sammarco again at E3 2017, and while the information I've got in terms of game info may...
Letting the days go by.

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is everything you expect (and that’s outstanding)

In my mind, Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is all about sticking the landing. After a few years of FFXIV being out, the game has...
This town is, in fact, big enough for the both of us. We need a fourth.

Wild West Online asks players what sort of gambling they want to see

It's just not right to think of the stereotypical wild west without including some gambling. Based on movies on the subject, cheating at poker...

Secret World Legends’ headstart launches today

Pack up your stuff, The Secret World fans: It's movin' day, at least if you don't care about playing on Steam, as Secret Worlds Legends'...

Overwatch promises to reduce duplicate item rewards in lockboxes

Since the only real form of progress in Overwatch involves skins, there's nothing more frustrating than opening a few dozen lockboxes and seeing every...
If you forget the fact that it was during the day and there were only the two of us and it wasn't outside by a wooden table it was exactly like this.

The Daily Grind: How much realism is too much in an MMORPG?

In yesterday's comments on the Shroud of the Avatar AMA article, MOP reader squidgod2000 drew everyone's attention to an overlooked bit in the Q&A...
Like it goes.

Skyforge adds a new Distortion and new Prestige ranking with its latest patch

Prestige is an important indicator of power in Skyforge, and it just keeps growing over time. The problem is that as it grows ever...
It's mine!

Hearthstone changes up card packs to make it easier to collect new cards

There's nothing quite like opening up a new card pack in Hearthstone only to find multiples of the same rare you already have and...

E3 2017: Hands-on with mobile MMOs Lineage 2 Revolution and Durango

With Pokemon Go trying to avoid explicitly calling itself an MMO, Massively OP once again has room for a top contender in the realm of mobile...
Time enough at last, only not.

Choose My Adventure: Cryptic’s Neverwinter in review

My time with Neverwinter is done, and it's a game I find myself in an odd relationship with. It'd be fair to say that...
We listen.

Star Wars: The Old Republic explains how the developers listen to community feedback

Feedback is important for every MMO, and that includes Star Wars: The Old Republic. But where does feedback come from? If the developers never...

Shroud of the Avatar has plans to attract more players and keep them around

In the hopes of attracting and encouraging more player investors in Shroud of the Avatar, Portalarium took to Reddit for a Q&A session that...

Exclusive: Wizard101 Q&A dev diary on its PvP update and monstrology evolution

Kid-friendly MMORPG Wizard101 is on the cusp of a big update -- in fact, it's already landed on the official test server as of this...

Conan Exiles begins partial wipe of official servers

Get ready to watch the world burn. Well, part of the world. Conan Exiles is wiping official servers this morning. Well, part of them. "We've...
I can't say it would be worse, exactly.

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs you play on different platforms from your normal gaming?

When I'm playing an MMO, I'm playing it on my computer. My PC may be getting a bit older, but it's still a very...

Blizzard is offering a third round of BlizzCon tickets, so don’t despair (yet)

Did you miss out on your last attempt at snagging BlizzCon 2017 tickets? Of course you did. Those things sell out faster than unicorn...

Ashes of Creation’s post-Kickstarter pledge store is live

Wallets at the ready, peeps: As promised, Ashes of Creation is following up its massive Kickstarter run with a more local, homegrown crowdfunding effort...

Perfect Ten: MMO grouping advice you shouldn’t bother giving

It's time for a new expansion in Final Fantasy XIV, and that means for me that a lot of people are going to not...