
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

There are places I remember.

Revelation Online outlines the lore-hunting Scene Chronicle feature

Are you fascinated by the lore of the various locations in Revelation Online? In the event that you don't care about that at all,...
Cheers, loves, the cavalry's queer.

Overwatch promises that console reporting is (still) on its way

Remember how Blizzard said that a bad behavior reporting function was on its way to Overwatch's console edition? While the studio promised this week...

World of Tanks introduces PvE War Stories, amps up metal soundtrack

Maybe it shouldn't come as a huge shocker that the studio behind World of Tanks is into (pause for punny effect) heavy metal. Wargaming...
It was just how things were done then.

Ultima Online begins epic 20th anniversary event, warns of harassment threat

Is there any shame in throwing a birthday party for yourself? Not if you invite everyone and make it hecka fun, we say! Ultima...

Watch 13 minutes of Wild West Online exploration and treasure hunting footage

Still skeptical about Wild West Online's proposed PvP system? A brand-new video today may or may not help. PC Gamer spends 13 minutes narrating a...
So... this is a thing.

Choose My Adventure: Finding my way in Shroud of the Avatar

Heading into Shroud of the Avatar for the first time was a bit of a strange experience for me, right from the start. Usually,...

Earn a new mount in TERA by leveling a new character in Kritika Online

There are, presumably, more people enjoying TERA right now than enjoying Kritika Online. That's sort of to be expected; the former is an established...

Otherland is revived on Steam as Drago takes over publishing duties

Over this summer, we've been getting tips suggesting that the Tad Williams Otherland MMORPG was in serious trouble, as first it went dark on...
Where now?

The Daily Grind: Do you like being lost in MMOs?

In Final Fantasy XI, my first MMO, maps were few and far between, often blindingly unclear, and offered as many opportunities to be hopelessly...

Global Chat: The MMO blogosphere’s reaction to Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire

It seems like the entire MMO blogosphere wanted to chip in thoughts on the Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire announcement, whether or not...

Battle Bards Episode 103: Wurm Online

You think you’ve heard strange MMORPG soundtracks before, but Wurm Online is about to take you to the odd frontier. With two distinctive soundtracks...
Always the same.

Diablo III is testing item changes and no XP support for its next patch

Look, we realize that you can't really test for abandoning Windows Vista and Windows XP support for Diablo III patch 2.6.1. But that change...
GO GO POSING RANGER... wait, wrong one.

World of Warcraft shows off the caster animation changes coming in patch 7.3

Casting spells has been a cornerstone of World of Warcraft since the game launched, and while the models and particle effects have gotten better,...
Into the unknown.

Perfect Ten: MMOs obsessed with the floating islands trope

One of the fun things about this hobby is that certain tropes repeat themselves constantly. And they're usually weirdly specific tropes, too. Poop quests,...
On the go.

Check out a trailer for Black Desert’s mobile version

The idea of having a mobile version of Black Desert is no doubt appealing to you if you love the game but occasionally have...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO class do you love to have at your back in dungeons?

We have all talked at length about which classes we prefer to play, but adventuring around in MMOs sometimes involves being with (gasp) other...
The club itself is not elite.

Elite: Dangerous has passed 2.75 million sales

Good news for the Elite: Dangerous crew; according to the Frontier Developments Twitter account, Elite: Dangerous and the Horizons expansion have passed a grand...

Camelot Unchained teases beta with a new ‘guiding principles’ doc

If it feels like we've been waiting for Camelot Unchained's beta forever, well, it hasn't - it's only been half of forever. And the...
A very short marathon.

Cliff Bleszinski thinks streaming the LawBreakers testing was a mistake

Hey, kids! Want to read a big long interview with Cliff Bleszinski about launching LawBreakers? Because you probably shouldn't read it if you're an...
spooky, kinda

Johnny Depp will produce a TV show based on The Secret World

Your eyes aren't deceiving you, though I did a double-take too: Deadline is reporting that The Secret World aka Secret World Legends is getting a...