
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


EVE Online is making guided void bombs weaker in its structure revamp

It's not as much fun to attack a structure in EVE Online when there's only one way to do it correctly. That's one of...
Yo, who the eff is this?

Revelation Online gets its own infobase courtesy of a fan

Item databases are always fun and useful for fans of a given MMO, and now Revelation Online has one. The Revelation Online Database doesn't...
Get some.

Final Fantasy XI offers discounts and majorly redesigns Monk

Players of the most punch-drunk class in Final Fantasy XI will be learning to play a wildly different job with the game's August version...

The Elder Scrolls Online is adding a new PvP battleground and a new mode in Update 15

How would you like a new way to take on battlegrounds in The Elder Scrolls Online? The game's next major update is giving you...
Interact with this.

Crowfall adds a targeting reticle to object interaction

Interacting with objects is a pretty core part of playing Crowfall. Some of these interactions are rather straightforward, like interacting with an arrow when...
she's got the look

The Daily Grind: What’s your unhealthiest real-life habit brought on by MMOs?

I've always had a hard time going to sleep at a reasonable hour. MMOs, though, have helped make that functionally impossible for me. It...
How are you not playing this on PC in the first place?

Final Fantasy XIV asks players to help design some new furniture

Are there furnishings you wish were in Final Fantasy XIV but keep not getting added? Perhaps you can take matters into your own hands...
Strawberry fields forever.

Battle Bards Episode 102: Pure joy

Is it even possible for pure joy to be derived from MMORPG music? Whether or not, the Battle Bards are going to take a...

Kritika Online patches Starhenge adjustments and Green Leaf damage decreases

Sometimes you go a bit too far. It happens. Kritika Online made some changes to Starhenge with its last patch to make the content...

Perfect Ten: The circles of MMORPG combat hell

And so it was as I traveled across the many spheres and realms of MMOs, I came to realize one simple truth: War is...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO zone offers the worst questing experience?

Generally, I like to pride myself on being a quest completionist in MMORPGs. I don't like leaving a zone before wrapping up all of...

Global Chat: Dipping into Albion Online

Now that Albion Online has officially launched, what's the verdict? It's a little hard to get a feel for that, since I haven't seen...
Demons are forever in style now.

Check out World of Warcraft’s 7.3 scenario in full video format

Along with everything else coming to World of Warcraft in patch 7.3, players will also have a new scenario to introduce the lore explanation...
Boss of the road.

Bless Online kicks off its Rebuild testing

So, let's talk a bit about Bless Online. It's been a long, strange road. First, the game's Western version gets cancelled. Then it's getting...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

Hacker claims to have made a living cheating in MMOs for two decades

Motherboard has a fun-slash-depressing piece out this week on an unnamed hacker who claims he's been cheating at MMORPGs to make a living for...

Guild Wars 2’s second expansion, Path of Fire, launches September 22 (liveblog)

Update! It's over now, but you can catch the recap and preorder info right here! If you've somehow managed to avoid all the many leaks...
Could be going better.

Albion Online updates players on server issues and offers compensation

Every game is going to have issues when it launches; the good ones acknowledge those issues and keep players updated on the state of...

Anthem lead gameplay designer Corey Gaspur passes away

The official BioWare blog announced last night that Anthem lead gameplay designer Corey Gaspur has passed away. Gaspur had been a staple of the studio...

The Daily Grind: Is lore super important to you in MMORPGs?

So the other day, the Massively OP staff is hanging out in Slack while we work, and Justin says, "Bree, you know Guild Wars...
You either didn't like the last answer or you didn't care then or now.

Australia will play host to awful League of Legends e-sports reality show

Tear your eyes away from the wackadoodle reality show we're all living in right now: Riot Games has apparently sanctified a reality show for...