
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Bang bang.

Guild Wars 2 names and shames tournament cheaters

Want to enter in and -- more importantly -- win in a Guild Wars 2 monthly tournament but you lack the well-honed skills to...

MMO researcher Nick Yee is ‘dispeling myths about female gamers’

Quantic Foundry researcher and long-time MMO academic Nick Yee has an intriguing blog post out this week titled Dispelling Myths about Female Gamers in...

Pokemon Go is being sued over the disastrous Chicago live event

If you live in the midwest and are out only a ticket and a tank of gas for your trip to the botched Pokemon...
And now, the next chapter.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV issues that don’t exist yet… but will

One of the bright sides of having so many alts (specifically, six of them) in Final Fantasy XIV is that I'm getting a picture...

Citadel: Forged with Fire plans a Wednesday update with dragons and boars

The early access launch of Citadel: Forged with Fire was pretty darn recent, yet the game is also updating on a rapid clip. The...
Now I am hidden in the woods until they find me

Albion Online is so popular it had to add emergency teleporters to its main hub

People are playing Albion Online, which is a good thing for the game. However, it's less good when Caerleon has more than a thousand...

Star Citizen addresses its latest delay, studio is ‘working feverishly’ on 3.0

If you were one of the many backers and industry watchers raising eyebrows over Star Citizen's latest production schedule report and delay, you're going...

Lord of the Rings Online has delayed Mordor’s release

Those of you who were hoping to casually stroll into the eponymous Mordor in Lord of the Rings Online will be sorely disappointed today,...

Guild Chat: Damage control after MMO guildmate poaching

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the column through which I gather the Massively Overpowered readers together to help me tackle a...

One Shots: The one where we mention Michael Bay

Warning: This column will contain GRAPHIC and EXPLICIT references to film auteur Michael Bay. You may find yourself cutting away in excitement every two...
They're big, you see.

The Daily Grind: Have people ever kept you away from an MMO?

There are a few times in my life where I've stopped playing MMOs not because I'm tired of the game, but because of the...

Star Citizen’s 3.0 alpha appears to have been delayed yet again

Ever wonder whether developers regret transparency? With Star Citizen, probably not so much when the money keeps coming anyway, even when the game's 3.0...
A peek behind the magic.

WRUP: A lesson is learned but I can’t figure out what it is edition

I... huh. Well, all right, let's start at the beginning. Yes, our line of medication is completely ruined. It was always meant to be...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO chat channel offers the best advice?

Here's an odd confession: I like to have global chat (or the equivalent thereof) running in my MMORPGs most days. Most days. While it...
Don't at me.

Betawatch: Escape from Tarkov invites you to come in for closed testing (July 28, 2017)

Escape from Tarkov is heading into closed beta testing this weekend, complete with a trailer, so now's your chance to jump in if you bought...
Hey, it's okay.

Final Fantasy XI’s August update tweaks Monks and Ambuscade

The next version update for Final Fantasy XI is almost here, and it's going to be a big one for Monks. That's the focus...

Choose My Adventure: Teleporting for fun in DC Universe Online

I may not be the best person in the world to talk about the stat revamp in DC Universe Online. Scratch that - I...

ArcheAge server merges will impact 12 realms

Server merges are a nerve-wracking, anxiety-filled experience even on the best of occasions, but when an MMO offers contested territory and open world housing,...
You will die here.

Valiance Online kicks off its investor alpha today

If you've been eagerly awaiting the day when Valiance Online would open for testers, the day has come. The investor alpha is starting today...

Massively Overthinking: How should MMOs make money in a world without lockboxes?

Earlier this week, MOP's Justin expressed frustration over lockboxes, feeling especially provoked. "As both a player and a journalist, I find it insulting when...