
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Ashes of Creation on dungeon finders, soloing, player shops, and guild ethics

MOP tipster Joel let us know about an absolute trove of info flowing in the Ashes of Creation Discord channel thanks to the candor...
Do you think he can see us?!

Neverwinter shows off the mechanics of the Spellplague Caverns

The next Neverwinter patch will send players into the depths of the Spellplague Caverns, and you can be sure that the denizens therein will...
It's not Red Bull, no.

Revelation Online shows off the many paths to wings

You don't want to walk in Revelation Online; you want to fly away. (Just like a dragonfly.) Fortunately, the game gives you wings pretty...

Second Life as a modern refuge for the disabled

I'm certain I'm not alone in having been ill and injured several times over my life, once when I couldn't walk without considerable effort...
Red means dead.

Wisdom of Nym: Gauging predictions after the Final Fantasy XIV fanfests

It finally happened, folks; we're done with the fan festivals until next year. (Yes, I fully expect to hear about the next set when...

Funcom is now region-locking Conan Exiles’ official servers

If you're a fan of playing survival sandboxes with your friends around the world, better scrape together some pennies to invest in a private...
Well, here we go.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite part of MMO gaming conventions?

The last of the pre-Stormblood fan festivals for Final Fantasy XIV has come to a close, and as with the prior two fan festivals,...

One Shots: I am no man!

The big screenshot challenge last week was to capture action, not just still shots, in MMORPGs. This is tricker than it sounds, because you...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about slavery as a concept in MMORPGs?

Last week, MJ and I were discussing a stream she was planning on Conan Exiles where she planned to help friends capture "thralls" to...
Ham ham ham ham ham.

WRUP: This ham is your ham edition

Hello, reader. Hello, and good morning. Or should I say... good ham? That sounded clever before I typed it out. Look, the point is...
I gots to bag it up.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most boring part of MMORPGs?

While MMORPGs are supposed to be these giant buffets of entertainment options available at our fingertips, the truth is that there are always parts...
Here we go again.

Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival XIV Europe: Samurai, Doma, and theme songs

If you're a fan of Final Fantasy XIV, the European fan festival is something you've been waiting for more or less since December's Japanese...

Warframe community rallies for weekend Extra Life stream

The Warframe community has a big streaming weekend in store for fans thanks to what organizers are calling "the largest gathering of Warframe content creators." "The...
Insufficiently slow.

Pokemon Go adds the second generation of pokemon to the game

It's time for you to go out and catch some Gen 2 starters and maybe a Wooper or a Miltank. The second generation of...
Who's a good dog?

Dofus introduces the Ouginak class

Whatever else you might think about Dofus, you have to admit that the game is resistant to pigeonholing. The game's most recent update rolls...
Yes, it is what it looks like.

The Imperial Realm: Miranda offers up a teaser trailer before a new test weekend

Want to try something very different next weekend? You'll have a chance with the next test weekend for The Imperial Realm: Miranda, a seamless...
don't make

World of Warcraft’s Hazzikostas discusses the goals for future Artifact Power implementation

There has been some back-and-forth about World of Warcraft's Artifact Power system. The problem that people have run into, essentially, is that the game's...
What is even

Smilegate pushes Crossfire in the west with a new European office

What the heck is Crossfire? It's a game that makes quite a bit of money, according to SuperData; we're talking in the "massive numbers...

Perfect Ten: Terminology the MMORPG genre needs

MMOs, like any other hobby, have their own terminology. We have the term "newb" for new players, "noob" for players who aren't actually new...
You can go level alts, if you're a fool and have alts.

The Daily Grind: Which games will be the big winners (and losers) from more MMOs on consoles?

I don't think that being one of the only fully featured MMOs on a console is what has made Final Fantasy XIV successful. I...