
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

This is... oh, you know the song, never mind.

Age of Conan kicks off a new Halloween event and a new raid

The spookiest of all possible holidays is almost here, and Age of Conan is getting in on the action with an all-new Halloween event....

Crowfall shows off the Champion’s design

Everyone has preferences about classes and playstyles in MMOs, and if you're the sort of player who plays only characters built like trucks wielding...
I am the most expensive player.

Trove explains its new player marketplace

You - yes, you - are the most perfectly creative player in Trove. You know it, your friends know it, and your enemies pretend...

The Daily Grind: Does Defiance’s TV cancellation impact your interest in the game?

Defiance (the TV series) is no more, but Defiance (the MMO) lives on for now. The question on the table here is what does this...

Global Chat: Why your MMO pushed me away

Hey MMO developers, have you ever wondered why players are driven away from your games? Two bloggers took a stab at a list of features...
There are red flags, that's the point.

Battle Bards podcast explores the music of Firefall

Battle Bards, the world’s first and only MMO music podcast, is back for another spirited episode, this time covering the soundtrack to Firefall. There are...

SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire and the illusion of choice

Knights of the Fallen Empire, the latest expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic, launched early access today, and SWTOR fans are elated. They...

The Stream Team: 12 Days of TOR, Day 12

The final day of 12 Days of TOR is here, and we are doing a little twist in today's Star Wars: The Old Republic...

Here are 10 compelling reasons to get excited about Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

There are always some of us who aren't quite on board with the latest and shiniest games and expansions and instead wait to be...
Vote like you want to win.

Star Trek Online enters the final round of ship design votes

So what do you want for your next Federation ship in Star Trek Online? If your answer was something about red and blue nacelles...

Trove patches in Halloween decorations and alters stats

You can decorate your personal space in Trove however you like; if you want pumpkins and spiders crawling about year-round, that's your business. But...
This is... you know.

All Saints’ Wake returns to Final Fantasy XIV

It's time once again for the residents of Eorzea to accept the somewhat horrifying antics of voidsent pranksters because All Saint's Wake has arrived...
All things go, all things go.

Star Wars: The Old Republic opens up early access for Knights of the Fallen Empire

The day that Star Wars: The Old Republic fans have been waiting for is finally here. Dedicated subscribers to the game can log in...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been scammed in an MMO?

One quirk of some early MMORPGs was that character names weren't always unique. It was possible to roll multiple characters with precisely the same name and...

Not So Massively: Gamers rally around Total Biscuit (October 19, 2015)

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
Straight outta wherever.

Take a look at EverQuest II’s City of Maldura zone preview

Fantasy cities manage to have far more intense problems than real-world cities. Sure, there are plenty of real-world cities with crime problems, but how...

Sword and Bored: World clipping

Mo falls through the cracks in the world and struggles to save himself from his MMO.
I need healing.

Wisdom of Nym: The state of Final Fantasy XIV’s healers

One of the damage dealers in the party can't stay out of damaging effects because moving interrupts his casts, and he thinks finishing a...
I'm the one who's waving!

Classic Darkfall project continues license negotiations, plans alpha test

A volunteer-led effort to restore the original version of Darkfall is moving forward as unspecified negotiations with Aventurine continue. The Darkfall: Rise of Agon team announced...
Cool players don't look at explosions.

Guild Wars 2 shows off its new action camera

The combat of Guild Wars 2 sits in an interesting place between full-on action combat and more traditional combat mechanics, but it definitely edges...