
Get caught up on convention happenings and major events in your favorite MMO. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

ArcheAge starts holiday festival, compensates players with unique mounts

ArcheAge is so, so sorry, guys. While the mess of Revelation's launch in North America still has yet to be fully cleaned up, Trion...

Star Trek Online’s Borg come home for the holidays

What are you hoping to see in your stocking come Christmas morning? If you're like most geeks, chances are that you are hoping against...

The MOP Up: Dota 2 goes on a new journey (December 18, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

World of Warcraft unwraps Winter Veil

Ugly sweaters and rumblings of the Abominable Greench are signs that World of Warcraft's Feast of the Winter Veil is back. From now through January...

SMITE pushes Saturnalia to next week

Even gods get held up in holiday traffic sometimes. So go easy on SMITE, as it announced that this year's Saturnalia has been pushed from...
I don't know what cool is any more.

Warframe celebrates the holiday season with the Tennobaum Gifting Extravaganza

It's the holiday season in... wherever Warframe takes place. It may be space. We are pretty sure it is space. Even in space, there...
On second thought, nah.

Amazon Game Studios hosts Breakaway alpha weekend

The curtains have parted on the first of Amazon Game Studios' upcoming titles, as Breakaway has launched its first public alpha test this weekend. From...

Massively OP’s guide to the 2016 MMORPG winter holidays

It's time to get all snuggly in front of a crackling fire, roast up some chestnuts, down a gallon of hot chocolate, and log...

The Stream Team: The Secret World’s snowball fights

This winter seems to be all about snowballs. Even The Secret World is getting in on the act. Not that Massively OP's MJ is...

How the Drynch stole SkySaga’s Christmas

Oh that dastardly Drynch! SkySaga isn't even officially released, yet its Midwinter holiday has come under siege by the ever-grumpy Drynch. "The Drynch has stolen...

Echo of Soul transports players to Christmasland

As with, well, pretty much every other MMO out there right now, Echo of Soul is running its own Christmas event. The game patched in...

Neverwinter’s Winter Festival arrives through January 5

Well, that's it; Neverwinter is officially a game of lies now. Why? Because if the game is called "Neverwinter" with an eponymous city as...
Oh my.

The Division is free on PC this weekend

Are you interested in The Division, but not interested enough to put down your money and try it out on your dime? A compromise...

LOTRO’s Yule Festival is delayed until next week

Lord of the Rings Online revelers will have to wait just a little bit longer to join in the holiday season. Turbine announced yesterday...

EverQuesting: Frolicking in EverQuest II’s Frostfell 2016

Oh the real life outside is frightful But Frostfell is so delightful So who needs to work today? Let us play, let us play, let us play! There's...

Black Desert opens up seven-day free trials, halves sale price through holidays

The winter holidays are live in Black Desert as of yesterday, but what if you never actually bought the game and wish you could...

Destiny’s holiday event is off to the races

Don't look now, Destiny, but you're becoming more of an MMORPG every day. The sci-fi shooter patched in its Dawning update this week, bringing...

Guild Wars counts down to Wintersday 2016

Not content to let younger sibling Guild Wars 2 have all of the Wintersday fun, the classic Guild Wars is getting ready to roll...

Wizard101 and Pirate101 have ponies and decorations for all

When it comes to a great holiday event, what would you rather have more: in-game activities, giveaways, or cash shop sales? If you said,...

The Secret World kicks off Krampusnacht once more

Oh, you'd better have guns, you'd better have spells, or else you'll get dragged by a monster from hell; Krampusnacht is in The Secret...