MMORPGs are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games, our core focus here on Massively OP. MMORPGs are traditionally differentiated from mere multiplayer games by their persistent worlds, massive playerbases and/or servers, customizable character development, and always-online status. [Follow the MMORPG category’s RSS feed]

The car don't work.

Escape from Tarkov previews its technical alpha testing specs

The purpose of Escape from Tarkov's technical alpha starting on August 4th is to see how the game works under strain. It is not...

SWTOR wants to make your lockbox experience better

How do you feel about opening lockboxes? Is there anything MMO devs can do to make you feel less like you just emptied your wallet...

Edengrad gears up for its upcoming alpha

If you knew the end of the world was coming, what would you want to get done before it happened? For Edengrad's post-apocalyptic setting,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 76: The fall of Firefall

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Legion, Guild Wars 2, SOTA, SWTOR, Firefall, StarCraft Universe, Age of Wushu 2, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on early MMO adoption and permadeath in MMOs.

The Stream Team: A visit to the Elder Scrolls Online Style Parlor

Judging by last week's stream, you might think that the Shadows of the Hist DLC is all about adding more dungeons to Elder Scrolls Online....
Well, that's something.

Players dig up details on Lost Ark’s classes

We know that many of you are following the development and testing of the gorgeous MMOARPG Lost Ark, hoping that the Korean beta will...

Marvel Heroes’ dynamic combat scaling is live now

Dynamic combat scaling is live today in Marvel Heroes, affecting enemies and zones in both story mode and challenge mode. The game launched with fixed...

Hyperspace Beacon: Five reasons I still play Star Wars: The Old Republic

It’s hard not to be negative about your favorite game when it appears that it’s changing its original goals. “What? You’re just now realizing...

Immerse yourself in some good World of Warcraft audio drama

Oh, did you click on this post hoping for a tour through some juicy World of Warcraft community drama, perhaps tackling the latest controversy...

Space pirates abound in WildStar’s newest raid

No matter where you go, no matter what games genre lines you cross, no matter how landlocked you become, sooner or later you will...
Send me a group of adventurers with attitude.

Daring! Moonfire Faire returns to Final Fantasy XIV; the pose of a lifetime ensues!

The Moonfire Faire is returning to Final Fantasy XIV once again, but as veterans of the game know by now, these festivals never go...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Shadows of the Hist DLC goes live

If the world seems a little darker and a smidge more dangerous today, do not fret: It simply means that Elder Scrolls Online has rolled...
Bah, it was just a bird.

Pokemon Go: Niantic addresses community, New York panics over sex offenders

Niantic has finally addressed the Pokemon Go community's uproar over the weekend patch that fixed the three-step-bug by taking it out and silenced location...

The Daily Grind: How visible should your achievements be inside an MMORPG?

Last week, the Massively OP staff were chit-chatting about Guild Wars 2's Out of the Shadows when I mentioned that I loathe the masteries...
The fun of getting lost, being upset, and getting annoyed.

Chronicles of Elyria on expanding team, creature models, and backer-only videos

This week's Chronicles of Elyria update features the Ursaphant mount, which is exactly what is sounds like: an adorable elephant bear thing. Soulbound Studios says...
Nostalgia in your hands.

Ragnarok Mobile shows its stuff at ChinaJoy 2016

Are you an old fan of Ragnarok Online desperate to bring the game along with you on your smartphone? The bad news is that...

Guns of Icarus fires off a week of open alpha

Welcome to August, friends -- and welcome to the war as well. As of today, Guns of Icarus has opened the doors to all...

Worlds Adrift’s emblem creator tool is now online

When MMORPGs first got rolling, we were lucky to have guildtags at all, let alone emblem creators, but Dark Age of Camelot's guild sigils...

Project Gorgon plans music improvements, new forum, and lowbie crafting

Hey now, what is going on over in the realm of Project Gorgon? According to a developer preview post, there is a lot in...
The game does not look like this.

A Tibia player is on the verge of unlocking a decade-old reward

Tibia is an old game. Very old. Old enough that the developers could add a more-or-less throwaway joke a decade ago, a door that...