
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: Can you ever forgive MMOs?

The other day I was watching through a YouTube channel of an MMO player who loves lists as much as I do. And while...

Marvel Heroics: Rating Scarlet Witch and Rogue

I'm back with another installment of rating two Marvel Heroes characters that I've leveled up to 60. Last time I looked at Squirrel Girl...

Leaderboard: Have you tried Albion Online?

There's something about Albion Online that appeals to me. I like the top-down perspective and the stylized visuals, and of course I love the...

The Daily Grind: How would you mix MMO features to create the best one ever?

Today's Daily Grind question -- more like command! -- from Massively OP Kickstarter donor Tim is short and sweet: Mix features to create your perfect MMO. It...

The Stream Team: 12 Days of TOR, Day 10

We can see the finish line fast approaching! Today's adventures in Star Wars: The Old Republic will lead MJ to the end of Belsavis...
There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: MMO systems that could be great (but I haven’t seen it yet)

Before I start this column, I want to say two important things. First, my experiences do not extend outward to the limits of the...

The Daily Grind: Has a single screenshot ever made you want to play an MMO?

I don't often look at a screenshot and think to myself, hmm, I should play that game. Yesterday I did exactly that, though, thanks...

Choose My Adventure: Unearthing the mysteries of WildStar’s Levian Bay

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. Last week, you fine folks voted on whether my pwecious wittle Chua Spellslinger would continue his...

Massively Opinionated: Which is the best open-world PvP, WvW or FFA?

It's a real battle to the death when Larry Everett invites Tina Lauro and Brendan Drain to debate WvW and FFA PvP.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the most toxic community?

I ran across a weird thread on Reddit  a week or two ago from a poster asking about toxic MMO communities, not because he...

Stick and Rudder: The best bits of Star CitizenCon 2015

Wow, so, where to start with this week's Stick and Rudder? I guess I picked the wrong time for a vacation, and shame on...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 33: Ascent’s James Hicks

Justin and Bree fête Ascent's James Hicks discussing Star Citizen, Wurm Online, Ultima Online, WildStar, Daybreak's mystery game, Elite: Dangerous, RIFT, and Funcom.

Tamriel Infinium: Orsinium makes me forget the things I don’t like about ESO leveling

Anyone reading this column regularly understands that I have a bit of a tiff with ZeniMax because of the way it's handled the leveling...

The Stream Team: 12 Days of TOR, Day 9

Chapter 2 of Star Wars: The Old Republic has been completed. MJ's Imperial Agent is free from the brainwashing programming of Imperial Intelligence. But a...

The Daily Grind: What should Funcom do?

Man, every time we hear a Funcom report I get so incredibly depressed. I'm no financial expert, but it seems as though the studio...

Sword and Bored: Ready check

Mo joins his first raid. The first boss fight has been explained and everyone is ready, right? Right?
It's not just me, right?

Wisdom of Nym: Surpassing Final Fantasy XIV’s cross-class legacy

In one respect, Final Fantasy XIV is an incredibly flexible game. You are never actually locked into a single role or job; even if...

The Daily Grind: Are you going to play Squadron 42?

A whole bunch of Star Citizen-related stuff happened this past weekend, and I've got a lot of catching up to do since I missed...

MMO Mechanics: Three ways non-MMO IPs could create great mechanics

I really enjoy being a guest on Larry Everett's video series Massively Opinionated, a series in which MMO enthusiasts answer some tough questions and...
No one liked Warlords. ANd let's be clear, that's because it was bad.

The Daily Grind: What MMO characters have you stuck with for years?

The header picture is of my Shaman in World of Warcraft. I made her with the launch of The Burning Crusade because of course...