
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Heroes of the Storm brings players into the Alterac Pass battleground, bans miscreants

There is a lot of stuff in Heroes of the Storm that's meant as an homage to classic bits of Blizzard games, but the...

Black Desert’s Lahn is about to get a huge upgrade

If eastern MMORPGs have taught us anything, it's that if you see a woman step onto a battlefield wearing nothing more than functional lingerie...
Ocean of Brigands

Sea of Thieves assures players they have more time to earn the Shark Hunter ship set

It turns out when players think they're about to lose access to something, they get rather twitchy about making sure to get it. The...

Steam Workshop modding is live in Dark and Light today

Modders, start your engines: The Dark and Light dev kit is officially available as of today, meaning that modding and uploading those goodies to...

The Elder Scrolls Online’s Summerset and Update 18 are live on console as ZeniMax teases upcoming DLC

The Elder Scrolls Online's Summerset and Update 18 are live for console players today, meaning the chapter is officially out of early access for...
mar mar

Destiny 2’s Forsaken expansion will launch September 4

We're updating below the fold! If you're still playing Destiny 2, you're going to want to catch Bungie's reveal livestream today. The studio has promised...

Bless Online buffs Rangers, nerfs Guardians and Mages, and plans targeting changes

Neowiz is moving fast to patch away some of the doom from Bless Online after its messy early access soft launch last week. The...

Star Trek Online: Victory is Life launches with a revamped DS9, playable Cardassians, and the Jem’Hadar faction

On the 25th anniversary of Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Online is carrying the cult TV show forward with today's release of the Victory...

The Stream Team: Prowling through AdventureQuest 3D’s Dragon’s Graveyard

AQ3D just can't seem to stop dropping new content on players! The most recent is Dragon's Graveyard. Yah, how is Massively OP's MJ supposed...
I don't know how to fly this.

Dual Universe details changes to ship engines for more differentiated gameplay

There's a lot going on for any individual ship in Dual Universe, but right now vertical boosters cover too much of what's going on...

SMITE is getting a battle royale mode adventure of its very own in 5.10

Battle royale is the thing to do lately, and by Zeus, SMITE is doing that thing: In update 5.10, the Hi-Rez MOBA will introduce...
All the same mistakes.

H1Z1 discusses the imminent return of the Z1 map and Auto Royale

The past is just practice. Accurate? Not always. But it seems to cover the current plans for future development for H1Z1, which is eagerly...

Lord of the Rings Online 22.2 update is live with sweeping class balance changes, wearable instruments, and new story quests

It's release day for Lord of the Rings Online. Update 22.2 is the big ol' class balance patch that everyone's been fussing about for...

Warframe teases The Sacrifice trailer and June update – including the next frame

Warframe has been busy preparing its next major story update. It's called The Sacrifice, it's coming in June, and it's even getting an honest...

Wisdom of Nym: The non-combat side of Final Fantasy XIV patch 4.3

Let's face it, I'm literally never going to be able to cover everything in a Final Fantasy XIV with one column. They're just too...

Secret World Legends preps first anniversary event, delays next mission pack

If there's one thing that the Secret World Legends team does really well, it's keeping upcoming content, well, a secret. It can't help itself...

The MOP Up: Fractured Lands has fun in the apocalypse (June 3, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Citadel: Forged With Fire to wipe servers in the name of progress, retains 10 legacy worlds

You know how it goes: Sometimes you are forged with fire, and sometimes you are forged with server wipes. Both are equally painful, but...
No parties.

Happy birthday to WildStar, Crossout, and World War 2 Online

The beginning of informal summer is a favorite time for MMO launches, which also means it's prime time for birthdays and anniversaries. WildStar, for...

PUBG’s Sanhok map enters the final testing stretch

As PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds runs its new and highly anticipated Sanhok map through a fourth round of testing, players can at least be consoled with...