
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

EVE Vegas 2017: EVE Online’s free-to-play option is getting a huge boost

When EVE Online added its free-to-play alpha clone account option, it felt more like an infinite trial than a truly viable free tier. Alpha...

From New York Comic Con, SWTOR and Timothy Zahn welcome you to Copero

The developers for Star Wars: The Old Republic held their Cantina Tour event just outside New York Comic Con last night. To help promote the SWTOR content...

SMITE 4.1.9 Departure to the Afterlife brings back the Halloween arena and new skins

Halloween is taking over SMITE this month -- and every other MMO and MOBA, of course, but that's OK because it's the best holiday...

Gear leveling comes to TERA with next week’s update

Once next week's Arsenal update arrives, TERA will become the latest MMORPG to take a stab at item progression. Yes, it's that moment when...

Blade & Soul’s October 18 Rage of the Hive Queen update heralds new boss, quests, and Halloween

Blade & Soul likes to fly under the radar, but here's some buzz: The game's being pollinated with a brand-new patch on October 18th...
Life hack: Become a deity.

Choose My Adventure: Following a god in Guild Wars 2

To my absolute lack of a surprise, the fact that your abilities are so aggressively limited once you pick an Elite Specialization in Guild Wars...
Weird dog.

Final Fantasy XIV releases patch notes for patch 4.1

The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV is almost here, but just because the patch isn't coming out until October 10th doesn't mean you...

Marvel Heroes ports Black Bolt to console

Console Marvel Heroes fans have another thing to look forward to this week: Gazillion has launched playable Black Bolt on PS4 and Xbox One,...
Build it up.

Players express anger over Lord of the Rings Online adding high-end gear to lockboxes

Long ago, Lord of the Rings Online first experimented with having stats on gear you can buy for real money. We bring this up...
oh for the love of eff

World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas talks randomness and Legendaries

There's been another live community Q&A session with World of Warcraft director Ion Hazzikostas, and if you're in the "highly frustrated" crowd of fans,...

Star Citizen’s alpha 3.0 is finally in the hands of (some) player testers

Get your "it's happening" gifs out: Star Citizen's alpha 3.0 is here. Kind of. Sort of. It's here if you're a member the 800-member...

Citadel Forged With Fire = Harry Potter + IKEA

Blue Isle is decorating the heck out of Citadel: Forged With Fire with this week's patch. "Before this update, many players gave the feedback...
Sort of like jingles.

The October version update is coming to Final Fantasy XI

The October update for Final Fantasy XI is on its way, what with this being the month of October and all. Saying that it...
are you candy

Dauntless adds in a new sword dodge with patch 0.2.4

If you like wielding a sword in Dauntless, get ready to be more mobile. New dodge abilities are coming to all weapons, and swords...

RuneScape runs Twitch promotion, adds more Old School quests

Don't mind trading some of your time for entertainment and free in-game goodies in RuneScape? If you're cool with this, you might want to...

Guild Wars 2 developers take players along for a Path of Fire trek

It's a unique experience to be able to sit down and watch developers play the very game they made. Even if it gives you...

Paladins opens the Foreman’s Rise map, embraces the spirits of Halloween

Thinking about a trip out to the Old West? Paladins has you covered with its latest map! Foreman's Rise features a multilevel battleground on a...

Warframe: New Plains of Eidolon trailer, players host 100-hour charity stream

Digital Extremes told Warframe players yesterday that the Plains of Eidolon expansion was planned to launch "within the next 10 days," and today's press...
Oh, look, it's gotten worse.

The Thargoids are adapting to player tactics in Elite: Dangerous

First, the player debate in Elite: Dangerous was whether or not players would have to fight the Thargoids. Then, it was over how to...

Exclusive Guild Wars 2 interview on Path of Fire’s launch and philosophy

Spurred on by my excitement for Guild Wars 2's second expansion, Path of Fire, I reached out to ArenaNet shortly before release to secure a post-launch...