
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

KingsIsle shows off new Wizard101 and Pirate101 content

How long does it take for KingsIsle developers to go from concept to execution when it comes to Wizard101 and Pirate101 content? According to...

Twilight Spirits is available on Steam right now (in Chinese)

If nothing else, MMORPGs are doing their darndest to teach us to be multilingual. Case in point, Twilight Spirits has launched on Steam --...

The Stream Team: Lavastorm Heritage Quests in EverQuest II

Massively OP's MJ has been slowly streaming through all of EverQuest II's Heritage Quests (slowly, because there are more than you can shake an...

Worlds Adrift adds more test servers, says median play time is 15 hours

Is Worlds Adrift shaping up to be a sleeper hit of an MMO? Its team certainly thinks so, as it claims that in the first...

The Stream Team: An anniversary look at Lineage II

It has been nearly 10 years since Massively OP's MJ has played Lineage II regularly, but she's heading back in now in honor of...

Transformers Online moves to open beta in China

3Are your primary complaints about Overwatch the fact that it doesn't exclusively star giant robots while being a Chinese-only title? Because that's exactly what...

Diablo III releases the Necromancer today

If you've been waiting for the newest class in Diablo III to make you feel alive again, the good news is that it's arriving...
A trial.

Watch a documentary on the creation and destruction of Final Fantasy XIV

The end of Final Fantasy XIV came quite some time ago, but the game is still going. That's because the launch of the game's...

Elite Dangerous has launched for the PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 players can flock to the Elite Dangerous universe beginning today, thanks to the game's official launch on that console, complete with adjustments...

MMOs you’ve never heard of: Metin2, Orake, Crusaders of Light, Legends of Equestria, and Sansar

We're willing to bet that some of you visit Massively OP because you are keeping an eye out for new conquests: games you have...

Tale of Toast impresses one YouTuber despite hardcore aspirations

By now, you probably know and have accepted the weird juxtaposition of Tale of Toast's incredibly cute art style and its hardcore design. But...

Chronicles of Elyria limits, standardizes starting tribes

Responding to fan feedback on the forums, Soulbound Studios is making a design change in regards to Chronicles of Elyria's "tribes" -- its playable races...

The Stream Team: More Marvel Heroes anniversary madness

It's the final week of the big Marvel Heroes anniversary celebration, and that means all of the events are turned on! Of course, that...
There is a metaphor here somewhere.

Shroud of the Avatar plans patch for Thursday, free trial next week

We're nearing the end of another month, and that means, like clockwork, another Shroud of the Avatar patch is almost upon us. Release 43...

NCsoft explains what Master X Master is

What is Master X Master? Well if you don't know, I'm certainly not going to tell you. Just kidding! NCsoft is attempting to address the...

Diablo III previews the lore of the Necromancer and new patch 2.6 areas

You may well not need the lore behind Diablo III's Necromancer to enjoy the class. All you need to know is that it's a...

Naruto Online is the one MMO where players beg for merges

According to a press release from Oasis Games, the studio is in the middle of ongoing English-language server merges for Bandai-licensed Naruto Online. The...

The Stream Team: Celebrating Star Wars Galaxies’ birthday

Star Wars Galaxies was the game that sucked Massively OP's MJ into MMORPsGs, so how could she not celebrate its birthday? The official game...

Check out Black Desert Kamasilvia Part II’s Korean teaser trailer

Want a peek at Black Desert's Kamasilvia Part II? We're getting one today, and though it's a tease for the Korean version of the...

Lord of the Rings Online’s Mordor patch is now in testing – check out the new regions

Mordor comes at you fast, or so it seems with Lord of the Rings Online's next massive update. Standing Stone Games has followed up...