
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Enter to win a copy of Guardians of Ember courtesy of InselGames and Massively OP

In honor of upgraded US servers for Guardians of Ember  as well as the launch of Act V, InselGames has granted us 50 Steam keys for copies...

Working As Intended: Why classic Guild Wars matters, 12 years in

The spring season always sees a deluge of MMORPG birthday celebrations: Lord of the Rings Online, City of Heroes, Allods Online, Free Realms last...

The Stream Team: Happy 5th birthday TERA!

A half a decade: That's how old TERA is today. And the Honorbound patch recently launched as well. That makes two good reasons for...

Elite Dangerous’ novel-concluding Salomé event was wrecked by long-con griefers

Last week, we reported on an impending roleplaying event in Elite Dangerous that was set to influence the outcome of Premonition, a game-based novel...
There's a lot of ground to cover.

Final Fantasy XIV talks about the new features of its Stormblood benchmark

Have you downloaded the Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood benchmark yet? "No," you say, "because I already know my computer can handle it and who...

The MOP Up: Warface meets Crysis (April 30, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Make My MMO: Crowfall adds geomancy and architecture skills (April 29, 2017)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Crowfall canceled its weekend playtest, but not before issuing a dev blog updating the community on some of the crafting changes...

The Stream Team: Dragons and werehyenas in Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles has plenty of dangers lurking about ready to end players' lives. Massively OP's MJ has certainly encountered her fair share. Now, she...

Camelot Unchained’s Seattle studio finally has an office

Remember last June when Camelot Unchained startled everyone by announcing it was opening a second studio in Seattle? The team out west has been...

The Stream Team: Preparing for ARK’s active volcano

Another big change is coming to ARK: a live volcano! Devs have recently added special markers to show what will be changing. Unfortunately for...

The Stream Team: Celebrating City of Heroes with Paragon Chat costume contests

Never say die! If City of Heroes fans had a motto, this would likely be it. Although they don't have the original game to...

World of Tanks overhauls its matchmaking system

Calling Patch 9.18 "one of the most significant ever" for World of Tanks, Wargaming overhauled the game's matchmaking system this week as part of...
Let's talk at you.

Chronicles of Elyria answers player questions in a two-hour video

The Chronicles of Elyria team hosted a public community Q&A session, and players had questions. And those questions... well, they were answered. Extensively. The...

Build your very own Space Shuttle Endeavour in Star Conflict’s new event

Feeling nostalgic for the shuttle program? How about the Cold War manifested in an escalating space industry? MMO space sim Star Conflict has you...

The Stream Team: Ranger danger in Osiris New Dawn

Osiris: New Dawn just launched its new patch, and Massively OP's MJ is diving into a brand-new world to play the new Ranger class....

See the Sea of Thieves devs become tourists in their own game

Just because you make a game doesn't mean that you are an automatic expert in it. In the latest Sea of Thieves developer gameplay...
Be here now.

City of Titans lets you call the shots with your powers

Are you ready to handle the awesome responsibility of being able to make your own powers? City of Titans thinks so, which is why...

‘This universe is going to be awesome’: Chris Roberts on Star Citizen’s evolving moons

On this week's Around the Verse, Star Citizen's Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner bookend two key segments. The first is a studio update with...

Pantheon shows the class you’ll never be allowed to play

There was a lot of buzz swirling about Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's hour-and-a-half developer livestream yesterday, thanks to a truckload of information shared...

World of Warcraft walks back claim that 7.2 is the ‘biggest patch ever’

In a livestream Q&A session, World of Warcraft's Ion Hazzikostas admitted that the studio probably shouldn't have slapped the label of "biggest patch ever" on...