
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Enter to win a copy of Guardians of Ember courtesy of InselGames and Massively OP

Guardians of Ember  has today updated its early access with a brand-new class: the wicked poisoner known as The Dark Knight. "The Dark Knight represents...
Let's try over there?

ArcheAge begins Lantern Festival, ignites currency controversy

Over on the ArcheAge Reddit, people are grumpy. No, stay with me; they might have a point here. Trion kicked off an odd sort...

Destiny 2 reveals a trailer for its actual trailer

Are you ready to just watch a trailer without some warning? We thought not. Clearly, it's a very important decision by Bungie to ensure...

Skyforge’s PlayStation 4 version is now playable in early access

Skyforge's PlayStation 4 version has officially launched today -- without much hoopla -- into an early access (head start) period for those who picked...

The Stream Team: EverQuest’s anniversary Pub Crawl

Last time, Massively OP's MJ had to cut her EverQuest anniversary bar-hopping short when she didn't have the right booze. Luckily, the anniversary events...
The sad loser peering across the landscape photo genre.

Chronicles of Elyria recaps development over the month of March

It's been a busy time for Chronicles of Elyria as the development team has worked on putting together a portion of the game to...

World of Warcraft 7.2: Tomb of Sargeras is now live

World of Warcraft 7.2: The Tomb of Sargeras is officially live! As we've previously covered (what feels like exhaustively), you can expect to dive into...

The Stream Team: Hot-rodding around Osiris: New Dawn

What's more fun that barreling across an alien landscape in a hot rod? Not much! Massively OP's MJ can't wait to get behind the...

Exclusive: Elsword previews a new hardcore solo endgame dungeon

The western version of side-scrolly hack-'n'-slasher Elsword is about to get a long-awaited feature from the Korean version: a challenging endgame dungeon known as Add's...

Mu Legend will soft launch across the globe with an open beta summer 2017

Webzen formally announced this morning that the global edition of Mu Legend -- i.e., the version of the hack-n-slash sequel our readers are most...
I got two turntables and a microphone, or something.

Grab a pair of SMITE skins in honor of Celestial Voyage, courtesy of Hi-Rez and Massively OP

SMITE is kicking off a new event today, this one sure to bring a smile to the face of anyone obsessed with Stargate or...

The Elder Scrolls Online releases Morrowind PAX recap trailer

ZeniMax has put out a fresh Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind video this morning, this time showcasing the PAX East reception for its battleground content...

Path of Exile teases Nazi-inspired Oriath expansion baddies

Pumped for Path of Exile's upcoming Fall of Oriath expansion? Grinding Gear Games must be too, given the parade of videos it's slipping out....

The Stream Team: EverQuest II-sday, Monday edition

Why would Massively OP's MJ have an EverQuest II-sday on a Monday? With so many anniversaries lately, she couldn't not celebrate this one that...

Shroud of the Avatar’s new ‘outskirts’ maps should be a big help for newbies

Shroud of the Avatar's latest newsletter -- its 220th for those keeping track at home -- got a fresh coat of paint to celebrate,...

The Stream Team: Helping HEX’s lost gnomes

Now that Massively OP's MJ has finally gotten one group of HEX's lost gnomes to safety, she can move on to other adventures.  But...

Ashes of Creation really wants you to grok its node system

We've teased upcoming Ashes of Creation for its "nodes," and apparently Intrepid Studios agrees that they're confusing, as the MMORPG has released a dev...

World of Warcraft 7.2 Tomb of Sargeras survival guide and patch notes

Blizzard has just dropped its official survival guide and patch notes for World of Warcraft 7.2: The Tomb of Sargeras, which is loading for...

Mark Kern’s Em-8ER on omniframe classes, THMPR animations

Mark Kern's crowdfunded MMO-shooter Em-8ER has a slew of new videos out this week featuring animations for the THMPR, finishing off the mech's "basic...

The MOP Up: ARK’s console editions get a hair-do (March 26, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...