
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Black Desert

Black Desert’s whole New World is live today, boost server opens tomorrow

If you're a Black Desert fan just waking up and stumbling to the internet this morning, good news: The game is back online. It's been...

Life is Feudal enters closed beta on December 14

Tired of toiling away in the drudgery of 21st century life? Then wake up and smell the good news, as you're about to be...

Here’s how Rare is building Sea of Thieves’ outposts

Ever wondered how it is that game designers actually build the locations you'll be tromping all over in MMOs? The latest Sea of Thieves...
Support. It's essential.

Albion Online shows off the Keepers of Albion

Since ancient times, the Keepers of Albion have prowled the wilds of Albion Online, rejecting civilization and venerating the wild. The latest lore video...

Path of Exile goes once more into the Breach

Hold on to your breeches, people, it's time to dive into another Path of Exile challenge league. With the advent of this week's Patch...

Overwatch has traffic on its newest map, and it will kill you

Up until now, all of Overwatch's various shooty maps have taken place without traffic beyond the payload and the armored gaggle of freaks shooting...

Crowfall is retiring 2016 pledge packages on December 5

There's just a few days left for you to pick up older Crowfall pledge packages, ArtCraft reminded players this week. "We had originally planned...

The Stream Team: Completing more SWTOR companion conversations

Her work with Kaliyo (finally) done, Massively OP's MJ can talk to her remaining SWTOR companions in preparation for moving on to the Knights...
The archer was in such a rush she forgot to get dressed.

TERA’s Fang and Feather update goes live today

Despite the name, TERA's most recent update doesn't feature an overwhelming quantity of fangs or feathers. Both of them are doubtlessly involved, but that...

The Stream Team: Chilling in HEX’s Frost Ring Arena

With the weather turning chillier outside, Massively OP's mind has turned again to HEX's Frost Ring Arena. She only made it through a few...
Yes, we get it, this holiday exists.

Paragon kicks off its Winterfest celebrations

Do you feel a deep and urgent desire to make sure that everything around you is supremely festive during the holiday season? Paragon is...

The Crew rolls out ‘police-chase fantasy’ expansion Calling All Units

Happy expansion day, The Crew! Ubisoft is rolling out Calling All Units today, marking the driving MMO's second major expansion and landing on all...

Guardians of Ember comes to early access on December 13

Hopefully you weren't cursed by the fact that Guardians of Ember failed to meet its announced early access launch back in September. Obviously, the title...

Richard Garriott donates skull to player tavern during Shroud of the Avatar telethon

If you follow Shroud of the Avatar, you already know that studio Portalarium does seasonal streamed fundraisers to drive pledges for the game. Yesterday's...

SWTOR welcomes early access players to Knights of the Eternal Throne

The threat is still looming over the galaxy, but that's just the way that Star Wars: The Old Republic players probably prefer it. After...

The Stream Team: A look at the new Neocron Evolution

Ask, and ye shall receive! By request, Massively OP's MJ is going to pop into Neocron to see what this game is all about....

Take a gander at Forsaken Legends’ art update and arena video

If you were too busy stuffing yourself with turkey this past weekend (and then sleeping it off), you might have missed the new Forsaken...

Riders of Icarus unleashes new trailer for Ranger’s Fury update

Debuting on December 15th, Ranger's Fury is Riders of Icarus' next big thing, complete with a level bump to 50, a new desert zone...

Mobile dino MMO Durango eyes global beta test

Have those post-Turkey Day blues? A good dose of dino fun is bound to pick up your spirits. Durango, the mobile survival sim featuring...

World of Warcraft player dings 110 without picking a faction

Back in March 2015, we reported on a World of Warcraft player who decided that when the game tried to make his Pandaran character...