
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Eternal Crusade is now live on Steam early access with a new publisher

As promised, Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade has closed down its founders program and gone live on Steam's early access platform. Now labeled a "massively multiplayer...

Guild Wars 2’s gliding patch is live alongside Lunar New Year festivities

Guild Wars 2's winter patch is now live, complete with the promised gliding in vanilla Tyria and the start of the Lunar New Year...

Bebopping through ArcheAge’s Bloodsong update with Trion

Sometimes the wait for new content is made worse when you see another region enjoying it long before you can. That's how I've felt...
Happiness is a warm - yes it is - gun!

Perfect World Entertainment announces Livelock, a top-down cooperative shooter

How do you feel about robots shooting other robots? If you would rate your feelings in that department as "Strongly Positive" or better, you...

Chris Roberts talks Star Citizen two-step verification, griefing, and Star Marine’s status

Star Citizen's Chris Roberts is taking a break from signing swag for PAX South to answer another batch of 10 questions from the community....

The Stream Team: Storm takes on Marvel Heroes’ Danger Room

When MassivelyOP's MJ was first introduced to the Danger Room, she had a bit of trouble completing the training on Rogue. But now that...

Can whales fly? Worlds Adrift says ‘absolutely!’

We don't know about you, but when we think of "sky whales," the image of Twitter's notorious "fail whale" comes to mind. Worlds Adrift...
Oh my.

Warcraft rolls out a new TV spot, posts set pics with game references

World of Warcraft fans shouldn't worry too much that the upcoming movie will be devoid of cheeky references to their favorite game. Director Duncan...

The MOP Up: Metal Gear Online comes to PC (January 24, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Get your time travel on with Dark Era

While time travel has certainly been done as part of MMO quests, could an entire game revolve around the sci-fi concept? Dark Era, a...

The Stream team: A Saturday stomp in MechWarrior Online (plus giveaway)

What to do when a snowy storm rages on out in the real world? How about rage a little yourself inside MechWarrior Online where...

The Stream Team: Cranking out a compy army in ARK

MassivelyOP's MJ has built up her flock of sky piranhas in ARK, and now she's starting an army of land piranhas. With four compies...

Overpower melds fantasy arena matches with RPG progression

Is your MMO a little on the slow side? Need a jolt of excitement and danger to go with your love of RPG progression?...

Paladins introduces two new game modes in today’s ‘Chicken Patch’

Hi-Rez's online shooter Paladins is undergoing a major patch for its ongoing closed beta today. The so-dubbed "Chicken Patch" introduces new game modes, Survival and Payload, the...

The Black Death takes survival games to a grim era

Survival games aren't always the cheeriest of places (after all, you have to have something to survive against), but a new game might make...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse on ‘Star Engine,’ new hires, and Port Olisar design

The latest of installment of Star Citizen's Around the Verse has arrived and sees the return of Ben Lesnick to the show. Lesnick and...
Not the chess maneuver.

Here’s how castles are built in Crowfall

According to the old adage, a man's home is his castle. But you know what's really a castle? An actual castle. And you can...
Unlock me or just buy me, whichever.

Skyforge offers new item packs for the Berserker and the Slayer

The Berserker is Skyforge's answer to the ageless question of what sort of class could possibly make carrying a sword which is also a...

Star Citizen showcases actress Gillian Anderson’s Squadron 42 role

Cloud Imperium is hyping Squadron 42 in today's behind the scenes video, this one showcasing the involvement of X-Files actress Gillian Anderson, who remains...

Blade & Soul teases upcoming content

As if Blade & Soul players didn't have enough to keep them occupied this week, what with the launch and all, NCsoft has released a...