
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

Heroes of the Storm gets an honest trailer

Surely you've heard of the honest trailer phenomenon, wherein a guy with an action movie trailer voice narrates footage of popular films, TV shows,...

World of Warships details the dockyard, achievement systems

Wargaming is shining a spotlight on World of Warships' achievement system. The dev team is aiming for a system that allows for actual gameplay...

Massively Opinionated: How long will SWTOR remain relevant?

In this episode, Larry, Heather, Vulkk, and Redna debate Star Wars: The Old Republic's health and continuing relevance in the MMORPG genre.

Aion’s Upheaval begins on June 17th

At a time when players are leery of being nickle-and-dimed, Aion is releasing yet another completely free expansion. Also known as patch 4.8, Upheaval...

Neverwinter’s Rise of Tiamat expansion coming to Xbox One this month

Cryptic has announced that Neverwinter's Rise of Tiamat expansion is coming to Xbox One this month. There's no definitive date just yet, though the press...

The Stream Team: Party hearty for WildStar’s anniversary

MassivelyOP's MJ never needs a reason to get down and boogie, but WildStar is offering one anyway: Today is its birthday! That means Emy...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns beta

My excitement for Guild Wars 2's first expansion has been no secret, so you can easily guess how much fun I had climbing the...

Marvel Heroes celebrates its second anniversary with Doctor Doom

Dust off your capes and adjust your ruby-quartz visors, for tomorrow is Marvel Heroes' second anniversary and all are invited to join in the...

The Stream Team: ArcheAge’s barrel racing

It can certainly be a stretch to come up with new seasonal events, but ArcheAge has added one for the summer that could either...

Here’s the latest Hearthstone TV commercial

Have you seen the new Hearthstone TV commercial? It's up on the newly released MOBA's YouTube channel, in case you miss it on the...

Win a Wizard101 Aztecan Builder’s Bundle from Massively OP

Kid-friendly MMO Wizard101 is debuting a brand-new bundle pack this week for denizens of the Spiral. The $39 Aztecan Builder's Bundle includes 5000 crowns or...
If we could see off this mountain.

Voxelnauts gets Greenlit, posts a new Kickstarter video

Looking forward to playing Voxelnauts? So are lots of people on Steam, it appears; as the game approaches the halfway point in its Kickstarter...

Not So Massively: Heroes of the Storm’s launch; Need for Speed’s online DRM

Nintendo's quriky new online paint-battle game Splatoon officially launched this week to very positive reviews. Monster-battling game Moonrise entered early access and promises Pokémon-like...

LEGO Worlds releases on Steam early access

Since Minecraft more or less ripped off the very concept of playing with LEGOs, why not return the favor? That seems to be the...

What World of Warcraft would look like in Unreal Engine

Many words have been spilled about World of Warcraft's relative immunity to aging due to its stylized graphics. And while that art style is...

MapleStory 2 is launching in Korea on July 7

Predictions of a July 2nd launch date for MapleStory 2 were off -- but only by a few days. Nexon announced that the colorful...

Heroes of the Storm gears up for launch with double XP, launch streaming, and Blizzard brawling

Are you ready for Heroes of the Storm to launch? It is launching, tomorrow, and there's a lot of stuff going along with that...

EVE Evolved: Have the Drifters conquered the Jove Empire?

EVE Online's Carnyx release is right around the corner on June 2nd, and it's going to be a big update! The Caldari will finally...

The Stream Team: Cruising Landmark’s creations (and code giveaway)

Between templates and basic materials being free in Landmark, folks have been able to build bigger and better things in a shorter amount of...
When the most notable thing about you is your game's engine, maybe it's time to give up.

Take a look at God Slayer Online’s first beta test

Are you doing most of your god slaying offline at this point? You might be able to benefit from God Slayer Online, then, because...