The Stream Team: Milking Black Desert cows

There are plenty of... different... things to do on Black Desert. You've already seen MassivelyOP's MJ tame a wild horse; now you can watch her milk a cow! Seriously. As promised, she saved her very first milk-procuring attempts for you, so she's going to cozy up to a few local cows.  Tune in live at 6:00 p.m. to see how...

Worlds Adrift’s writer cites Gulliver’s Travels as inspiration

Bossa Studios Lead Writer Matt Cook sat down for an in-house interview about his work in creating the story for Worlds Adrift. Cook cited Gulliver's Travels as one of his biggest sources of inspiration for the game, saying that he found the travels between islands in the novel and discovering strange new things on each appropriate for Worlds Adrift's...
Past the crimson fields of... wait, sorry, wrong bit.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 72: The dog days of summer updates

Justin and Bree discuss Riders of Icarus, Landmark, Age of Conan, RIFT, and Aion, with mailbag questions on FFA PvP tension and social encounters.

DCUO plans larger, slower releases, Suicide Squad map, and boosted characters

Daybreak has big plans for the development of DC Universe Online. Senior Community Relations Manager Ted Stone outlines what's in store in a hefty dev post today. For starters, beginning with Episode 27, DCUO will be shelving the monthly episode updates in favor of much larger content drops. "Large releases will allow us to eliminate some of the complexity surrounding...

Crowfall shows you how you can kick down its walls

Did you ever like setting up blocks and dominos as a kid just to experience the joy of smashing them and seeing them fall down? Sure you did, we all did. Crowfall is excited to bring that same type of feeling to its keep siege battles, as the game's walls will shatter and crumble in a dynamic, natural fashion. In...
Mildly irate machine.

Perpetuum is adding eleven new robots to the game

The lineup of robots available in Perpetuum has been fairly static for a while now. If you've played the game extensively since launch, you probably have a solid idea of what you're going to see on the field. But the Syndicate is stepping up its game to become a full-fledged new faction in the game, and that means new...

The Stream Team: Exploring Elder Scrolls Online’s Dark Brotherhood beyond the black door

During our last stream, our stream team gave you a taste of what the Dark Brotherhood DLC in Elder Scrolls Online was about, but now let's take a deeper dive. What is this cult of assassins really about, and most importantly, what happens when the members of the group start perishing in ritualistic killings? Tune in live at 2:00 p.m. as OPTV's...
These are always the voyages.

Here are the stats on Star Trek Online’s Kelvin timeline ships

The Kelvin lockbox coming to Star Trek Online will allow players to bring over the ships of an alternate timeline into present conflicts. But what are those ships actually good for? What can they provide for veteran captains aside from the natural satisfaction of flying around in a Constitution class with sportscar stylings? You can find that out with...

City of Titan’s new video highlights progress, introduces webcomic

How far has City of Titans come in two years? Pretty damn far, Missing Worlds Media's Shadow Elusive writes today, and the indie studio's got a new video to back it up, complete with terrain, buildings, interiors, AI pathing, sky, plus a diurnal cycle, and a preview of the first zone: Lockharde Island. MWM has also announced the formation of...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s clear message of indifference for its most loyal players

I don't like to rant. I like my opinions to be measured and thoughtful. But sometimes I need to cut loose and let something off my chest. Last week, I said that I was not going to write about Star Wars: The Old Republic's Dark Vs. Light event in spite of the controversy surrounding it. Controversy always surrounds everything that BioWare...