Watch The Elder Scrolls Online’s Thieves Guild DLC launch trailer
Elder Scrolls Online's Thieves Guild DLC finally lands on the PlayStation 4 today, so console players are fully caught up to PC gamers. There's even...
Blade & Soul’s Silverfrost Mountains patch brings new areas, new dungeons, and a new level cap today
Here's hoping you didn't get too comfortable at the level cap for Blade & Soul because it's going up. Today, even! The massive Silverfrost...
Overwatch outlines its progression system and patches in new gameplay
Characters in Overwatch do not level. You can play nothing but Tracer day in and day out, and she's still going to have the...
Greed Monger’s development comes to the ‘end of the road’
Not that you've been holding onto incredible hope that Greed Monger would somehow see a revival after an extremely troubled development cycle, but you...
Rumor: BlizzCon 2016 aims for November 4-5
When is this year's BlizzCon? We don't know. It hasn't even been officially announced yet. But the eagle-eyed folks over at MMO Champion spotted...
Black Desert hints at a big content update this month
There's no denying that Black Desert is hot, hot, hot right now in the MMO community, and for players enjoying that sandbox, there's probably...
The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO set piece?
The other day I was running through The Secret World's Last Train to Cairo mission for the fourth or fifth time. Even after so...
Landmark adds claim rez, ditches PvP and EU servers
Although tons of information (5,000 words worth!) was posted in Landmark's update notes, some new stuff surfaced in the official livestream today. Devs also...
The Stream Team: An evening with EverQuest II Heritage Quests
There are so many Heritage Quests in EverQuest II that it seems like MassivelyOP's MJ and the minions will never get through them all......
Battle Bards Episode 71: Ragnarok Online 2
Let's get this out of the way up front: No, Ragnarok Online 2 isn't the type of game that you'd think would have a...