One Shots: Riding railroad

Superhero MMOs really make for some spectacular screenshots, you have to agree. And if you don't agree, you might be on the receiving end of Massively OP reader Russell's verdant vengeance. "This is my Green Lantern, Pinball, from DCUO," Russell submitted. "He's taking to the skies in the blackest of night where no evil shall escape his sight, and those who...

Star Trek Online, Star Citizen, and Elite plan Leonard Nimoy tributes

While players hold solemn vigils for the late, great Leonard Nimoy, MMO developers are working quickly to place tributes in-game to the actor who played Star Trek's Spock. "Everyone at Cryptic Studios was saddened to hear of his passing and we want to make sure we never forget the cultural impact of the man or the character he played," posted...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a good grasp of your MMO’s history?

As someone who's played his fair share of both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 over the years, I have to confess that I've had a poor track record of picking up and understanding Tyria's history. I actually had to end up watching a few nicely done YouTube videos in which a knowledgable fan took all of the fragments...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: February 28, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Crowfall basically blotted out the sun. The "throne war simulator" surpassed its $800,000 goal in a couple of days, and apart from that it also generated a ton of discussion both here on MassivelyOP and throughout the MMO blogosphere. We've also entered the homestretch on our own Kickstarter. With six days to go, we've...
This is not that lightsaber, but I care so little I'm not hunting down a picture.

SWTOR’s Choose Your Path promo rewards subbers

Want one of those butt-ugly lightsabers with a black core? You can get one as part of the new Choose Your Path promotion for Star Wars: The Old Republic. A set of +41 black-purple fashion faux pas color crystals are all yours if you're a subscriber on March 29th. In case you've never been a subscriber, BioWare is dangling 40...

Guild Wars 2 elaborates on camera improvements

Forget the living world; it may be that finally allowing players to zoom into a first-person view will be the most significant event that's ever happened to Guild Wars 2 -- and perhaps the world. OK, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but for those of us who have been frustrated trying to take screenshots without a giant noggin in...
While my definitions were legally accurate...

Darkfall makes ‘massive changes to combat,’ removes chaos banks

Well, Darkfall is blowing itself up again. Aventurine's latest update, titled Darkfall Reload, describes a patch that isn't quite as dramatic as the Unholy Wars reboot, but it's still chock-full of changes. Chief among those are "massive changes to combat," including a sweeping rework/removal of the game's crowd control mechanics. Chaos banks and outposts have been removed, too, and the...

The Game Archaeologist: Ten facts of EverQuest life circa 1999

MMOs change. We know that, but we also tend to forget it as well. The games that we play today can often be light-years distant from how they used to be when they launched, especially if they've been around for well over a decade. I was never part of the EverQuest scene back in the day (or even now), but...

The Stream Team: Hanging out at Hadir Farm in ArcheAge

MassivelyOP's MJ has done many things in ArcheAge, but one thing she's never experienced is the Hadir Farm dungeon. In fact, none of the Minions has! It turns out everyone just out-leveled it and never came back. So now MJ's inviting you along for the Minions' very first trip down into the depths of this dungeon. What will they...
Guess who's back, back again, Eliot's back, tell your friends. (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)

WRUP: Guess who’s back edition

At the start of the week, I journeyed far across the land, venturing into the wilds of the northwest armed only with my wits and boundless determination. There, I was set upon by many ills and challenges, but I was undeterred in my charge. Today, I have completed my journey, and I tell you now that the great best...