Ravana-egi everything, I say.

E3 2015: Here’s the Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward launch trailer

The entire Square-Enix presentation at E3 didn't cover Final Fantasy XIV's upcoming expansion, but that's all right. Why? Well, for one thing, early access starts up in less than three days. For another, the launch trailer for Heavensward is now available, and it's everything that fans could hope for and more. Want some hints of story? It's in there, right...

Rush of Heroes imports chart-topping Asian mobile MMO

One of the biggest Asian mobile MMOs is looking to see whether it can replicate its success in the North American market. I Am MT2, which has topped the charts in Taiwan and South Korea and is based on a Chinese animated TV show, is now available globally on Google Play as Rush of Heroes. Rush of Heroes is an...

SMITE reworks Nox and improves the Arena

It's a rough ride when your main deity in SMITE gets hit with big changes; you have to learn how to play the character all over again. Hopefully, for Nox fans, the revisions in this patch are a net gain; she's received a big rework for this patch. The Arena map has also been visually overhauled and has new...

Perpetuum adds random assignment system

Think you've done all that there is to be done in Perpetuum to date? Well, the sci-fi sandbox might just have a new challenge to keep you occupied until doomsday. The centerpiece of Perpetuum's Patch 3.6 is a random assignment system that can generate as many missions as you'd like. The system is launching with 27 different templates and the...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s game-changing expansion

As I'm writing this, it's been several hours since Jeff Hickman, the general manager for Star Wars: The Old Republic, stepped on the stage at E3, yet my head is still spinning from all the information that BioWare dropped about its MMORPG. Perhaps it's the games journalist in me, but I have far more questions than opinions about what...

Crowfall raises $2M in crowdfunding, demolishes the holy trinity

Crowfall continues to rake in hefty amounts of donations, as the title just crossed the $2 million threshold for crowdfunding to date. More than 19,000 fans have helped to fill Crowfall's coffers, both from its Kickstarter campaign and subsequent website sales. A new developer diary about the game's Centaur Legionnaire ends up being more about the structure of the game...
Up, up, up!

Path of Exile wipes beta progress with latest patch

Beta testing for Path of Exile's next major update, The Awakening, is going about as well as testing ever does. The newest patch for the closed beta will wipe out player progress whilst bringing in a great deal of polish for existing areas, meaning that players will need to explore the areas again to get a sense of what's...
Taken for tacos, maybe.

E3 2015: Destiny’s The Taken King arrives Sept. 15; here’s the trailer

So, hey, remember that rumor about Destiny launching The Taken King on September 15th of this year? There's a new trailer out from the wilds of this year's E3, and yes, that's all entirely true. We could just call this year's convention "all rumors are true" and sound pretty convincing at this point. Oh, you'd like to actually see the...

You can bounty hunt rogue agents in The Division

Looking for a fun place to vacation next year? We do not recommend The Division's Dark Zone, unless you find a lawless area of player conflict and terrifying threats an ideal destination. A new blog post on the upcoming title talks about its specially designed PvP zone. The Dark Zone isn't a mere pit in which to kill each other...
Wild monster trucks couldn't drag me away.

E3 2015: The Crew announces ‘Wild Run’ expansion

The world of The Crew is getting a big upgrade later this year. Part of that is just a visual upgrade that's coming along with the game's new Wild Run expansion, but it also comes down to new driving options. The expansion will introduce three new types of vehicles - motorcycles, dragsters, and monster trucks, all of which will...