The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite winter zone?

In the northern parts of the US, we are currently in the grips of a particularly brutal winter. Snow, ice, frostbite, polar bear attacks, and tauntings by the seasonally superior Canadian military are all a part of life these days. And as much as I'm not a fan of continually shoveling my driveway, I have to say that I...
Ain't no Massively yacht

EVE Fanfest to feature Worlds Collide server competition

Planning a trip to Iceland for this year's EVE Online Fanfest? If so you'll probably want to look at CCP's latest blog post, which focuses on what there is to see and do when you're not watching panels or consuming vast quantities of alcohol. One of the main events is Worlds Collide, a PvP contest that pits pilots from EVE's original server,...

Marvel Heroes adds Arachne team-up, starts Mardi Gras

It does seem as though any popular superhero will inevitably drum up a bunch of me-too imitators, from Batgirl to Wonder Dude (who totally doesn't exist but should). So if you have a penchant for the Spider-Man family but would like a female version to tag along with you, then Marvel Heroes has a new Arachne team-up available for...

EverQuesting: Daybreak, SOE Live, and the resurrection of Fan Faire

It's been quite a week! And not just for Massively Overpowered. Right as our original site was sunsetting, SOE announced that it was bought out and would be doing business under the new moniker Daybreak Games Company. Talk about shaking things up! Breaking free of Sony and going under the umbrella of an investment firm is just a wee...

Spread the love with The Secret World’s Valentine’s Day event

Just because the world is being taken over by secret cabals and an unstoppable wave of filth from the outer darkness doesn't mean that there's no time for love! Just keep telling yourself that as you participate in The Secret World's romantic event going on right now in the game. For this year's Valentine's Day event, players can purchase Bags...
Star Citizen holotable

Star Citizen adds progression to its dogfight module

Star Citizen chairman Chris Roberts has posted a blurb outlining a new system called Rental Equipment Credits that is coming to Arena Commander's 1.1 patch. In a nutshell, REC will enable a form of progression so that backers can test all of the game's ships without pledging additional money. Roberts says that REC or something like it has always been...

Daybreak teams reassure MMO players, deflect DDoS attacks

More assurances are coming your way from Daybreak Games, this time from reps of each of the studio's games. "Absolutely nothing" has changed, according to a Greg "SOELegion" Henninger post on the H1Z1 forums. "We're properly staffed to move forward with our current development strategy. We'll continue to be a transparent development team and we'll continue on our promise and...

WRUP: The first WRUP

It feels so great to be back. Plus I get to introduce some new folks to you. Former Massively columnist Tina Lauro has returned to helm more columns, and we've brought on Rhys Yorke to handle all the things no one else understands. Fresh meat! What MMOs are you lovely readers playing this weekend? We'll show you our WRUPs if...
Stepping back across time.

The Daily Grind: Do you find some MMOs more relaxing to play solo?

You know, folks, I am all about getting my dungeon ride on in Final Fantasy XIV. I'm a roleplayer, to boot. I like being social in my games. And yet when I find myself playing World of Warcraft, I find myself actively preferring a bit of solitude far more often than I'd expect. This isn't meant as a commentary on...

Kickstarter Overpowered: Week one summary

As of today, we've been running the Massively Overpowered Kickstarter campaign for just one week. We can't believe the outpouring of support you've given us already; it propelled us to move even faster and get the site up much sooner than we originally anticipated. Thank you all so very much. Just three weeks to go! Here's how the week unfolded: Friday, February...