Oh, the classics.

ArenaNet is hosting a Guild Wars 10th anniversary contest

Do you fancy yourself a Guild Wars expert? If so, you should enter ArenaNet's new Guild Wars 10th anniversary contest. There are 10 questions that need answering, and 10 winners will be randomly drawn from the pool of people who submit correct answers to said questions. ArenaNet hasn't spelled out the prizes in detail, but a quick scan of the...

French MMO DOFUS heads to tablets and the big screen

You might think a game launched in 2004 not named World of Warcraft might be curbing its ambition here in 2015, but if you're talking about French MMO DOFUS, you'd be mighty wrong. Ankama and Wizcorp this week announced that the game is due for a tablet version with a refreshed mobile UI. The downside is that it won't be...
Do we seize the feature creep or not? Decisions!

Crowfall reaches its graphics programmer stretch goal

Like many big crowdfunded projects, Crowfall didn't stop reaching for stretch goals just because the game's main Kickstarter project ended. The project has hit its first post-Kickstarter stretch goal this week, so the team will be hiring a dedicated graphics programmer to make the game extra-flashy and satisfying to play. Players will also be able to take advantage of backer...

The Crew publishes ‘Raid Live’ update video

Ubisoft has announced that a new update and new car DLC for its racing game The Crew are now live. The Raid Car Pack, "the last of four themed packs," comes with exclusive cosmetic bits, livery, and three new cars: the 2012 Cadillac Escalade, the 2011 Volkswagen Touareg NF, and the McLaren F1. Vroom. Don't want to buy DLC? You'll still get something out...
GTA Online

GTA Online: All the open world feels, none of the MMO grind

Any minute now I'm going to log out of Grand Theft Auto Online so I can finish this not-a-review. Seriously, I've played this game for, oh, 65 hours since it launched on the PC last week? At least that's what Steam says. I'm not sure I believe it, though, because it feels like five minutes, and the few times...
Also known as a puppyhouse.

Bungie reveals the Reef and more for Destiny’s House of Wolves

House of Wolves is the next big update for Destiny, and the team at Bungie is ready to start revealing what it's all about. Said reveals have already started, in fact, with a video tour of the Reef available below. There's discussion of your new primary story agent, new factional gear, and reforging new Crucible and Vanguard gear for...
If you read this like, it sounds kind of like he's monitoring some new youth trend.

Neverwinter’s new lead designer takes a ‘hard look’ at Elemental Evil

Neverwinter's Elemental Evil update had some issues that extend beyond some ill-distributed reward codes. A letter to the community from new lead designer Scott Shicoff outright says that mistakes were made; the design team's goal is to take a hard look at the update and determine what was done well and what needs improvement. This includes experience gains, overall...

Warcraft movie delayed once again

If you were making plans to head to theaters in March of next year to see the Warcraft film as soon as it opened, your plans were apparently rather premature. Not just because that's 11 months away, but because the film has been delayed again by three months. It's now slated to come out in June of 2016. This is...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best hybrid classes?

I didn't know hybrid classes were a thing, really, until I picked up classic EverQuest way back in 1999. Most of the roleplaying games I'd played until that point, including pioneering sandbox MMO Ultima Online, were skill-based, and so I more or less picked skills that I liked without worrying about hybrid penalties. (In classic UO, pretty much everyone was a...

Massively Overthinking: Overcoming ‘Barrens chat’ culture

Tonight's Massively Overthinking aims to address a core problem facing the whole internet, not just games: antisocial behavior. Our question comes from Kickstarter donor Katie MacAlister, who wonders, What can be done to combat the "anonymity on the Internet breeds douchecravats" mentality that pervades MMOs? Barrens chat, trade chat...for every "good" soul, there's a handful of twits. What can the MMO...