The Stream Team: Path of Exile Act IV beta adventures

You've read about the incoming changes in Path of Exile's upcoming Act IV, but have you seen them? MassivelyOP's MJ has secured a spot in the closed beta specifically so she could show you around! She's testing the waters as a witch, so tune in live at 8:00 p.m. to share this experience -- and any pointers you may have...
Star Conflict

Star Conflict gets a Season 2: Dreadnoughts trailer

Star Conflict got a new trailer today, and that's because the game's 1.1.3 update is a biggun. Corporations can fight to control global map locations, assuming they have a dreadnought, which is required for establishing and maintaining your rule. Corp CEOs are in charge of the dreadnought construction process as well as deciding what targets to attack (or defend). Corp pilots...

Here’s a quick preview of WildStar’s new Star-Comm Basin zone

WildStar's getting a new zone and it's called Star-Comm Basin. Carbine senior game designer Scott Hafner has penned a dev blog that previews the new content, which includes "fiendish" new enemies, daily rotating quests, new loot, and public events. The fiends in question are some of the "biggest and baddest" enemies in the game, including Grimvoid Marauders, Purewater Ikthians, and Strain,...
Watch us sit down and program!

Jacobs elaborates on spirit pets in Camelot Unchained

Camelot Unchained's Mark Jacobs has posted a Thursday afternoon update that's basically required reading if you're a fan of the fantasy RvR title. He talks about a whole bunch of stuff including last week's successful 24-hour alpha test and the recent announcement of the spirit pet stretch goal. Jacobs mentions some curious new gameplay wherein the player sets up a series...

EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s dungeons

It's no secret that EverQuest II has a plethora of quests. The moniker surely fits: There are so many quests that it's impossible to do everything in a zone before out-leveling it. But you could just as well call it EverDungeon! Unlike many games that have a dungeon or two per zone or level range, EQII has an abundance...
It looks like every other MOBA trailer ever, whee.

Master x Master adds WildStar’s Mondo Zax to its final beta test

Fans of WildStar who also have access to Korean beta tests will probably be quite happy to hear that Mondo Zax, Chua inventor extraordinaire, has been added to the lineup of NCsoft's metafictional mashup MOBA Master x Master. Those of you without access to Korean beta tests will probably have less excitement, but the game is entering its final...
Boring space dad yay.

Check out Marvel Heroes’ Age of Ultron content with Vision

It'd be a really weird day if Marvel Heroes weren't paying attention to the next big Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to come out, especially when said movie is the rather important Avengers sequel. Yes, there's a new mode on the way for the game in which players get to, well, fight Ultron - that seems fairly obvious - and there's another...
The jokes write themselves some days.

Age of Conan developers working on panoramas and achievements

What is best in life? Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Stop mid-crush and realize that you're in a really pretty area. Enjoy the new panorama feature that will be coming to Age of Conan. Consider making a friend out of the enemies you were crushing. That sort of thing. The development team has been working on more...

Massively Opinionated: WoW vs. LOTRO vs. the banker

In this augural episode of Massively Opinionated, Larry, Mike, Richie, and Tina debate the topic of what makes the MMORPG genre special in 2015.

Take a look at Landmark’s overhauled landmasses

Landmark's landmasses are getting a major facelift in the sandbox's last big wipe coming up next week. Not only are more biomes (underwater, volcanic, and deciduous) being introduced with their own unique flora, materials, and props, but the topography of the continents themselves is being overhauled to bring more variety to the landscape. Players who've always yearned for waterfront property...