Betawatch: February 20, 2015

What do you get when you combine the the quirkiness of Glitch or Wakfu with the voxelboxiness of Trove? That'd be SkySaga, the UK sandvox that's finally opening its alpha doors to those of us in North America. Act quickly, though; the offer ends February 26th. What else is new in the land on MMO testing? The Repopulation's new silver early access tier is...
She's still got heels on, because of course she does. And the other armor set is barely scraps covering a woman's nether regions, because of course it is.

Diablo III previews the armor, powers, and rift improvements of patch 2.2

Diablo III's next major patch is a quality-of-life patch, meaning that it's not going to come with a huge influx of new content. If you're tired of seeing the exact same rift layouts every single time you jump into a rift, though, it's a very good thing. The patch will include new tilesets and new layouts both, so you'll...

The Stream Team: Final Fantasying

Final Fantasy XIV is a game about Chocobos, crystals, and cat people as far as the eye can see. Join MassivelyOP's Mike Foster tonight as he runs some hard modes and prays to the RNG gods for even one piece of loot he can roll on (and lose to a Scholar). The action starts at 7:00 p.m. EST. What: Final Fantasy...

Trials of Ascension attempts another Kickstarter campaign

Permadeath, corpse looting, and no mini-map: Will this be tempting enough to get the community on board with donations? Trials of Ascension hopes so, as the fantasy sandbox has launched a new Kickstarter campaign aimed at raising $600,000 for further development. The team says that it already has a product worth backing: "We have a playable prototype on very...

Ex-Bioware doc Zeschuk building virtual playground apps

When last we heard from Greg Zeschuk, it was 2012 and the games industry was swiftly receding in his rearview mirror. Now, though, one half of BioWare's founding doctor duo is back for more with a company called Biba. The Vancouver-based outfit is making augmented reality apps that work with playground equipment, according to GamesIndustry.Biz. The firm is "creating a...
Shroud of the Avatar

Shroud of the Avatar’s Starr Long on gameplay vs. graphics

Shroud of the Avatar executive producer -- and original Ultima Online director -- Starr Long was interviewed by The Escapist this week. Long discusses his early Origin days, where he worked on everything from the Wing Commander series to a long list of Ultima products. He also talks about Tabula Rasa, Kickstarter, and of course his newest project as well...
Going for the one.

Elite is getting wings but not wing commanders

Elite: Dangerous lead designer Sandro Sammarco spoke with PC Gamer this week about the sci-fi title's upcoming 1.2 patch. The major feature is of course wings, which will allow four players to patrol Elite's vastness in a group. In addition to receiving telemetry data on their wingmates (targets, hull status, etc.), grouped pilots will encounter "larger, more dangerous signal sources...

Otherland beta test focuses on server stability

Otherland continues its trek back to public consciousness and notability after being dropped by Real-U and picked back up by Drago. Currently, the multi-world MMO is heading into its second closed beta test. This time around the team says that the main focus is on server stability. "Based on this data, we have made changes to the server in an...

Working As Intended: ‘Multiplex monotony’ and the death of the mid-budget MMORPG

Back in December, film editor and author Jason Bailey wrote a piece on Flavorwire called How the Death of Mid-Budget Cinema Left a Generation of Iconic Filmmakers MIA. He spins a tale of the booming movie industry of the '80s and '90s, when mid-budget films were commercially feasible and commonplace. By the turn of the century, however, the movie industry had...

Kickstarter Overpowered: Week two’s new video

The Massively Overpowered Kickstarter campaign is now half over: two weeks in, two weeks left to go. We're tickled to now have over 1400 backers who've busted through our goal, Kool-Aid Man style. Oh yeah! In honor of the occasion, we have a new video! I present to you the Massively Overpowered Kickstarter Mid-Point video, once again crafted by our very own Jef...