WRUP: The first WRUP

It feels so great to be back. Plus I get to introduce some new folks to you. Former Massively columnist Tina Lauro has returned to helm more columns, and we've brought on Rhys Yorke to handle all the things no one else understands. Fresh meat! What MMOs are you lovely readers playing this weekend? We'll show you our WRUPs if...
Stepping back across time.

The Daily Grind: Do you find some MMOs more relaxing to play solo?

You know, folks, I am all about getting my dungeon ride on in Final Fantasy XIV. I'm a roleplayer, to boot. I like being social in my games. And yet when I find myself playing World of Warcraft, I find myself actively preferring a bit of solitude far more often than I'd expect. This isn't meant as a commentary on...

Kickstarter Overpowered: Week one summary

As of today, we've been running the Massively Overpowered Kickstarter campaign for just one week. We can't believe the outpouring of support you've given us already; it propelled us to move even faster and get the site up much sooner than we originally anticipated. Thank you all so very much. Just three weeks to go! Here's how the week unfolded: Friday, February...

The EFF wants to exempt some emulated game servers from copyright laws

How many times have you dusted off an old game you used to love to play online, only to find that the official servers have long since been shut down? It's an unfortunate fact that unprofitable online games frequently get the axe, often leaving it to the games' communities to try to put together an unofficial server. Dozens of...
SWTOR agent and Scorpio

SWTOR adds hardmode flashpoints, season four PvP, and double XP

Did you patch up your Star Wars: The Old Republic install yesterday? If not, you'd better hop to it because the 3.1 update added a couple of level 60 hardmode flashpoints and kicked off the fourth season of competitive PvP. Not only that, but there's a double XP weekend happening from February 13th through the 17th. Wait, today's the 13th...

World of Warcraft’s graphics to improve in Patch 6.1

While many of you World of Warcraft players will be squeeing over your new Twitter integration and making the world a much more dangerous place to exist by driving recklessly when Patch 6.1 arrives, some will also take a moment to appreciate new and returning video options that will make this 10-year-old title sparkle. A new dev diary posted yesterday...

The Repopulation offers $20 early access

Getting into The Repopulation's early access program is now cheaper than ever, as Above and Beyond has announced a new silver membership tier for only $20. Previously, getting into the alpha cost $50 for a gold membership. Those who buy a silver membership will not only get into the currently running early access program but be treated to a repop...

Glitch releases two-volume soundtrack

While Glitch hasn't been available to play since 2012 (and won't be again until Children of Ur and Eleven finish their revival projects), the music that helped to make it so memorable now lives on thanks to the efforts of crowdfunding. Composers Daniel Simmons and Xavier Vochelle recently released a two-volume soundtrack for the sunsetted title, which has since been the...

Run, Valiance Online, run!

There's always a world of difference between viewing MMO screenshots and videos. Sometimes you just have to see a game in action to get a good feel for it, which is why it might please you to watch a test model run, jump, and fly around a town in Valiance Online. Valiance, one of three spiritual successors to City of...

The Soapbox: Has F2P worked for SOE?

The MassivelyOP staff was discussing the SOE Daybreak armageddon recently, and given the total absence of public data relating to who or what was ultimately responsible for the wide-ranging job cuts, we were forced to speculate. Some believe the company stretched itself too thin across its vast MMORPG portfolio. Others opined that everything from early access to SOE's parent corp...